moveFirst Method (Windows Scripting - JScript)
Resets the current item in the collection to the first item.
enumObj.moveFirst( )
The required enumObj reference is any Enumerator object.
If there are no items in the collection, the current item is set to undefined.
In following example, the moveFirst method is used to evaluate members of the Drives collection from the beginning of the list:
function ShowDrives()
var s = "";
var bytesPerGB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var e = new Enumerator(fso.Drives);
while (e.atEnd() == false)
var drv = e.item();
s += drv.Path + " - ";
if (drv.IsReady)
var freeGB = drv.FreeSpace / bytesPerGB;
var totalGB = drv.TotalSize / bytesPerGB;
s += freeGB.toFixed(3) + " GB free of ";
s += totalGB.toFixed(3) + " GB";
s += "Not Ready";
s += "<br />";
Applies To: Enumerator Object (Windows Scripting - JScript)
Change History
Date |
History |
Reason |
September 2009 |
Modified example. |
Information enhancement. |
March 2009 |
Modified example. |
Content bug fix. |
See Also
atEnd Method (Windows Scripting - JScript)
item Method (Windows Scripting - JScript)
moveNext Method (Windows Scripting - JScript)