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animation property

Specifies shorthand values that define animation properties for object properties identified in the @keyframes at-rule of the IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration2::animationName property.

This property is read/write.



HRESULT put_animation(
  [in]          BSTR v

HRESULT get_animation(
  [out, retval] BSTR *p

Property values

Type: BSTR

One or more sets of animation properties, separated by commas.

String format

[animation-name||animation-duration||animation-timing-function||animation-delay||animation-iteration-count||animation-direction][ , [animation-name||animation-duration||animation-timing-function||animation-delay||animation-iteration-count||animation-direction]] *

CSS information

Applies To block-level and inline-level elements
Media visual
Inherited no
Initial Value (see individual properties)

Standards information


The IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration2::animation property specifies one or more shorthand values that define all animation properties for a set of corresponding object properties identified in the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) @keyframes at-rule specified by the IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration2::animationName property. However, the IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration2::animation property does not specify values for the IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration2::animationPlayState property.

To learn more about CSS animations, see How to bring your webpage to life with CSS transforms, transitions, and animations.

Do not use the Microsoft vendor prefix ("-ms-") before the CSS animations properties. They are supported unprefixed in Internet Explorer 10 and later.

As of Internet Explorer for Windows Phone 8.1 Update, Internet Explorer for Windows Phone supports "-webkit-animation" as an alias for this property.


Minimum supported client

Windows 8

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2012







See also

How to bring your webpage to life with CSS transforms, transitions, and animations

Internet Explorer 10 Guide for Developers: CSS Animations