onpropertychange event
Fires when a property changes on the object.
Note The HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onpropertychange event is only supported in conjunction with the legacy IHTMLElement2::attachEvent IE-only event registration model, which has deprecated since Windows Internet Explorer 9 in favor of the W3C standard "IEventTarget::addEventListener" event model.
HTML Attribute | <element onpropertychange = "handler(event)"> |
Event Property | object.onpropertychange = handler; |
attachEvent Method | object.attachEvent("onpropertychange", handler) |
addEventListener Method | object.addEventListener("propertychange", handler, useCapture) |
Event information
Synchronous | No |
Bubbles | No |
Cancelable | No |
Event handler parameters
- pEvtObj [in]
Type: IHTMLEventObj
Standards information
There are no standards that apply here.
The HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onpropertychange event fires when properties of an object, IHTMLDocument2::expando, or style sub-object change. To retrieve the name of the changed property, use the event object's IHTMLEventObj2::propertyName property. This property returns a read-only string of the name of the property that has changed. In the case of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) properties, the property name is prefixed with style
. For example, if the CSS property IHTMLStyle::pixelLeft is altered, the value of window.event.propertyName
is style.left. By contrast, if the non-CSS property IHTMLFrameBase::name is altered, the value of window.event.propertyName
is name.
When the HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onpropertychange event fires, the IHTMLEventObj::srcElement property of the event object is set to the object whose property has changed.
Note Changing the IHTMLElement::innerText or IHTMLElement::innerHTML of child elements will not cause the HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onpropertychange event to fire for the parent element.
Sends notification when a property changes.
To invoke this event, do one of the following:
- Cause a property to change value.
The pEvtObj parameter is required for the following interfaces:
- HTMLAnchorEvents2
- HTMLAreaEvents2
- HTMLButtonElementEvents2
- HTMLControlElementEvents2
- HTMLDocumentEvents2
- HTMLElementEvents2
- HTMLFormElementEvents2
- HTMLImgEvents2
- HTMLFrameSiteEvents2
- HTMLInputFileElementEvents2
- HTMLInputImageEvents2
- HTMLInputTextElementEvents2
- HTMLLabelEvents2
- HTMLLinkElementEvents2
- HTMLMapEvents2
- HTMLMarqueeElementEvents2
- HTMLObjectElementEvents2
- HTMLOptionButtonElementEvents2
- HTMLScriptEvents2
- HTMLSelectElementEvents2
- HTMLStyleElementEvents2
- HTMLTableEvents2
- HTMLTextContainerEvents2
- HTMLWindowEvents2
See also