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The SetupCommand entry identifies the AT command that is sent before every send operation and before every answer operation (after the reset command).


Single command string.


HKR, Fax, SetupCommand,, "ATS7=255&D3&K4"


The command should configure the modem as follows:

  • Max dial-tone timeout

  • Tie DTR drop to reset

  • XON/XOFF flow control

The software uses the following algorithm to determine the flow control command:

  1. Try "AT&K4" and wait for the response.

  2. Try "AT\Q1" (even if the modem returned OK to AT&K4). If that works, try "ATJ0".

  3. If no commands work, try "AT&K5".

Using this algorithm results in the selection of one of the following flow control commands: "AT&K4", "AT&K4\Q1", "AT&K4\Q1\J0", "AT\Q1", "AT\Q1\J0", or "AT&K5".

This algorithm works in most cases. Two known exceptions are US Robotics and certain Hayes modems. These are special cases in the fax driver but could have also been addressed in an INF file.



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