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Getting started with the Device Stage Visual Editor

This topic contains basic information to help you get started using Device Stage Visual Editor.


You install the Device Stage Visual Editor by running the Device Stage Visual Editor Setup Wizard. This wizard is available when you download the Device Stage Visual Editor v 1.5 Tool.

Follow the instructions in the setup wizard to complete the software setup. After installation is complete, click Device Stage Visual Editor on the Start menu.


The Microsoft .NET Framework 4 is required to run Device Stage Visual Editor 1.5.


To remove Device Stage Visual Editor from the computer, you can:

  • Remove the program by using Uninstall or change a program in Control Panel.
  • Run the setup wizard again. When the system detects the previously installed instance of Device Stage Visual Editor, you can repair or remove the program.

Ten-minute, ten-step quick start

This ten-minute, ten-step quick start serves as a reference and shows you how to quickly develop an effective Device Stage experience.

  1. Open Device Stage Visual Editor.
  2. Click Tools\Enter Test Mode from the menu to enter test mode, and then restart your computer.
  3. Develop a new or open an existing device metadata package.
  4. Modify or update new default fields or existing fields. (Get GUIDs as needed.) Save changes as you go.
  5. Add new tasks or categories. (Get GUIDs as needed.) Save changes as you go.
  6. To preview metadata changes, click Edit\Refresh to refresh the Package Preview pane.
  7. If you are satisfied, select the File\Save\Metadata or File\Save as function to save data to the metadata package. If you are not satisfied, repeat steps 5, 6, and 7. 8.
  8. You can use the File\Save\Save and Copy to Metadata Store option to copy the completed metadata data directly to Metadata Store.
  9. Start, test, and review your Device Stage experience.
  10. If you are satisfied, save the metadata package. If you are not satisfied, repeat steps 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

Quick reference table

The following table shows all the functions in Device Stage Visual Editor and the function paths.

Function Menu Command Icon
Develop new metadata package File New
Open existing metadata package File Open
Save metadata package File\Save Save Metadata
Save and copy to metadata store File\Save Save and Copy to Metadata Store
Save metadata package with another name File Save as
Import locale resources to metadata package File Import Locale Resources
Export locale resources to Excel file File Export Locale Resources
Exit from Editor File Exit
Add new category Edit\Add Node New Category
Add new task Edit\Add Node New Task
Delete category or task Edit Delete Node
Refresh Package Preview pane Edit Refresh
Get computer HWID Tools Get Hardware ID
Create a GUID Tools Create a GUID
Enter test mode Tools Enter Test Mode
Exit test mode Tools Exit Test Mode
User’s Guide Help User’s Guide
Tool information Help About



Get Computer HWID is enabled for PC Device Stage experiences only. It is not required for document devices, keyboards and mice, mobile broadband devices, portable devices, and smart card Device Stage experiences.

Device Stage Visual Editor v1.5 User's Guide

Windows 7 device experience



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