TBADDBITMAP (Windows CE 5.0)
This structure adds a bitmap that contains button images to a toolbar.
Handle to the module instance with the executable file that contains a bitmap resource. You can add the system-defined button bitmaps to the list by specifying HINST_COMMCTRL as the hInst member and one of the following values as the nID member.Value Description IDB_STD_LARGE_COLOR Adds large, color standard bitmaps. IDB_STD_SMALL_COLOR Adds small, color standard bitmaps. IDB_VIEW_LARGE_COLOR Adds large, color view bitmaps. IDB_VIEW_SMALL_COLOR Adds small, color view bitmaps. nID**
Resource identifier of the bitmap resource that contains the button images. If hInst is NULL, this parameter must be the handle to a bitmap that contains the button images.The Windows CE header files provide the following values to be used as indexes to the standard and view bitmaps.
Value Description STD_COPY Specifies the copy image. STD_CUT Specifies the cut image. STD_DELETE Specifies the delete image. STD_FILENEW Specifies the new file image. STD_FILEOPEN Specifies the open file image. STD_FILESAVE Specifies the save file image. STD_FIND Specifies the find image. STD_HELP Specifies the help image. STD_PASTE Specifies the paste image. STD_PRINT Specifies the print image. STD_PRINTPRE Specifies the print preview image. STD_PROPERTIES Specifies the properties image. STD_REDOW Specifies the redo image. STD_REPLACE Specifies the replace image. STD_UNDO Specifies the undo image. VIEW_DETAILS Specifies the view details image. VIEW_LARGEICONS Specifies the view large icons image. VIEW_LIST Specifies the view list image. VIEW_SMALLICONS Specifies the view small icons image. VIEW_SORTDATE Specifies the sort by date image. VIEW_SORTNAME Specifies the sort by name image. VIEW_SORTSIZE Specifies the sort by size image. VIEW_SORTTYPE Specifies the sort by type image.
The TBADDBITMAP structure is used with the TB_ADDBITMAP message.
OS Versions: Windows CE 2.10 and later.
Header: Commctrl.h.
See Also
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