This structure contains information about the exception that caused the dump file to be generated.
typedef struct _CEDUMP_EXCEPTION_STREAM { USHORT SizeOfHeader; USHORTSizeOfException; USHORTSizeOfThreadContext; USHORTFlags; ULONG32CurrentProcessId; ULONG32ThreadId;ULONG32OwnerProcessId;ULONG32 CaptureAPICurrentProcessId;ULONG32 CaptureAPIThreadId;ULONG32 CaptureAPIOwnerProcessId;} CEDUMP_EXCEPTION_STREAM, *PCEDUMP_EXCEPTION_STREAM;
Size of this structure.SizeOfException
Size of exception structure, _CEDUMP_EXCEPTION.SizeOfThreadContext
Size of thread context list, _CEDUMP_ELEMENT_LIST.Flags
Characteristics of exception.The following table shows the characteristic described by each bit of this flag.
Bit Description Bit 0 Indicates this is a first chance exception dump. Bit 1 Indicates CaptureDumpFileOnDevice called. Bit 2 Indicates ReportFault called. Bit3 Indicates exception thread ID matches dump thread. CurrentProcessId
Identifier for the current process of ThreadId.ThreadId
Identifier of thread where exception occurred, or focus of CaptureDumpFileOnDevice.OwnerProcessId
Identifier for the owner process of ThreadId.CaptureAPICurrentProcessId
Identifier for the current process of CaptureAPIThreadId.CaptureAPIThreadId
Identifier of the thread that made the call to CaptureDumpFileOnDevice.CaptureAPIOwnerProcessId
Identifier for the owner process of CaptureAPIThreadId.
This structure is used to define the ceStreamException stream.
The exception information stream must be followed by the exception record (_CEDUMP_EXCEPTION, and by the context of the thread _CEDUMP_ELEMENT_LIST.
Additional thread info structures can follow in (n * _CEDUMP_FIELD_INFO).
OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: DwCeDump.h.
Link Library: none.
See Also
Dump File Structures | Dump File Format
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