Viewing Decorated Names (Windows CE 5.0)
You can view the decorated form of a function name after you compile the source file that contains the function definition or prototype. To examine decorated names in your program, do one of the following:
Use a listing.
To get the decorated form of a function using a compiler listing, do the following:
- Generate a listing by compiling the source file that contains the function definition or prototype with the /FA - Create Listing Files compiler option set to one of the following three choices: Assembly with Machine Code (/FAc); Assembly with Source Code (/FAs); Assembly, Machine Code, and Source (/FAcs).
- Find the line that contains the undecorated function definition in the resulting listing.
- Examine the previous line to find the PROC NEAR command, which is the decorated form of the function name.
Use the DUMPBIN tool by doing the following:
- On the .OBJ or .LIB file, run dumpbin.exe using the /SYMBOLS option.
- Find the undecorated function definition in the output, which contains the undecorated name followed by the decorated name, each enclosed in parentheses.
For more information about DUMPBIN, see DUMPBIN Tool.
Use the UNDNAME tool to convert a decorated name to its undecorated form.
The following command-line example shows how to use UNDNAME to convert a decorated name.
C:\>undname ?func1@a@@AAEXH@Z
Microsoft (R) C++ Name Undecorator Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1981-2000. All rights reserved.Undecoration of :- "?func1@a@@AAEXH@Z" is :- "private: void __thiscall a::func1(int)"
See Also
Using Dumpbin to View Decorated Names | Compiler-generated Decorated Function Names
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