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IDVDVideoVolume (Windows CE 5.0)

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This interface provides and controls access to the DVD-Video volume. Several IDVDVideoVolume methods expose data found in the volume's video manager information management table (VMGI_MAT).

The following table lists the methods for IDVDVideoVolume in the order the compiler calls them.

Method Description
InitData Initializes the volume data.
Lock Locks the volume from other threads or processes.
Unlock Unlocks the volume for other threads or processes.
GetSpecVersion Retrieves the DVD specification version number (VERN) from the video manager information management table (VMGI_MAT).
GetCategory Retrieves the region code bitmask for the player.
GetVolumeSetInfo Retrieves the volume set identifier (VLMS_ID).
GetVideoTitleSetsCount Retrieves the number of video title sets (VTS) in the DVD-Video volume.
GetProviderID Returns the provider identification
GetPOSCode Retrieves the POS code.
GetFirstPlay Returns an IDVDDomain interface for the volume's first play domain.
GetMenu Retrieves the DVD-Video volume's menu information.
GetTotalTitleUnitCount Retrieves the total number of title units (TTU).
GetTitleUnitInfo Retrieves information about the title unit (TTU).
GetTitleSet Retrieves a specified video title set (VTS).
GetTitleSetAttributes Retrieves the video title set attributes (VTS_ATR).
GetParentalManagementTable Retrieves the parental management information table (PTL_MAIT) for the video manger (VMG).
GetTextDataManager Retrieves the text data manager (TXTDT_MG).

The IDVDVideoVolume interface, like all COM interfaces, inherits the IUnknown interface methods.

The IUnknown interface supports the following methods:


You can obtain a pointer to an IDVDVideoVolume interface in the following ways:


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Dvdata.h, Dvdata.idl.
Link Library: Ddvdids.lib.

See Also

DVD-Video API Interfaces

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