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WZCEnumInterfaces (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function enables an application to determine the identity of the Wireless NICs managed by Wireless Automatic Configuration driver (WZCSVC.dll).

DWORD WZCEnumInterfaces(LPWSTRpSrvAddr,  PINTFS_KEY_TABLE pIntfs);


  • pSrvAddr
    [in] Not used. This parameter must be set to NULL.
  • pIntf
    [out] Pointer to the INTFS_KEY_TABLE structure**that receives key information for all interfaces.

Return Values

Returns ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation completes successfully; otherwise, returns a standard Win32 error code.


For each subsequent call to WZCEnumInterfaces, the client must identify the interface it is operating on by providing relevant key information.

When calling this function, the application is must pass the address of an allocated INTFS_KEY_TABLE object in pIntf. On return, this object is initialized with the number of Wireless interfaces controlled by WZCSVC and with an array of a matching number of INTF_KEY_ENTRY objects providing the GUID of each interface.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Wzcsapi.h.
Link Library: Wzcsapi.lib.

See Also

Automatic Configuration Functions

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