Custom SDK Installation Scripts (Windows CE 5.0)
When you configure an SDK, you can add a user-defined, OEM-specific script file named Install_script.vbs and set the target directory to Install_files.
During installation or uninstallation of the Microsoft Windows Installer (.msi) file that contains the SDK, this file is called, allowing you to perform arbitrary actions at installation. For example, you could run Regsvr32 on a user-defined DLL file.
Regardless of the specific actions you want to perform at installation time, two parameters are passed to this file:
- The first parameter defines the installation directory.
- The second parameter defines the installation state, and is set to 0 during installation, or 1 during uninstallation.
For more information, see the Microsoft Windows Installer automation interface at this Microsoft Web site.
See Also
SDK Development | User-defined Files in an SDK | Adding User-defined Files to an SDK | Optional OEM Support Information
Last updated on Thursday, February 02, 2006
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