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File Compression

Windows CE includes support for compression and automatically allocates 10K of RAM for decompression support. You can choose whether or not to include compression in your Windows CE–based platform by adding or omitting the kernel compression component from your configuration.

By default, all display-based configurations have compression turned on and cannot be removed. For headless-based configurations, compression is turned off by default but can be turned on by selecting the Compression entry from the Catalog in the File Systems and Data Store collection. The compression component can also be automatically added to your configuration based on other component selections.

If the compression component is part of your configuration, the Config.bib setting COMPRESSION can be set to ON or OFF. If the compression component is not part of your configuration, the Config.bib setting COMPRESSION must be set to OFF.


If COMPRESSSION is ON and the compression component is not added, the files in the ROM file system will be unreadable.

See Also


Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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