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IMultiLanguage2::ConvertStringFromUnicodeEx (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method translates the source Unicode string to the specified multibyte code page.

HRESULTConvertStringFromUnicodeEx(DWORD* pdwMode,DWORDdwEncoding,WCHAR* pSrcStr,UINT* pcSrcSize,CHAR* pDstStr,UINT* pcDstSize,DWORDdwFlag,WCHAR* lpFallBack);


  • pdwMode
    [in, out] Address of storage for conversion context. A calling function should only provide storage that is initialized with zero at the first call to the method. The caller should not modify this value.
  • dwEncoding
    [in] Specifies the code page identifier value for the destination multibyte string. This value is equivalent to the uiCodePage member of the MIMECPINFO structure assigned to the dwEncoding parameter.
  • pSrcStr
    [in] Pointer to the Unicode string that is to be converted.
  • pcSrcSize
    [in, out] Pointer to the buffer that stores the length of the source string, in character counts. If this is NULL, or if -1 is specified as the length, the method assumes that the string pointed to by the pSrcStr parameter is null-terminated. When the conversion is successful, the function returns the number of characters processed to this buffer.
  • pDstStr
    [in] Pointer to the string buffer where the conversion result will be stored.
  • pcDstSize
    [in, out] Pointer to the buffer that stores the length of the string pointed to by the pDstStr parameter, in byte counts. When the conversion is successful, the function returns to the buffer the number of bytes copied to the string.
  • dwFlag
    [in] Specifies one of the MLCONVCHAR-defined bit flag values. A caller can specify the MLCONVCHARF_USEDEFCHAR constant, which indicates that when the method encounters an unconvertible character in the string pointed to by the pSrcStr parameter, the sequence of characters in the lpFallBack parameter is to be used in its place.
  • lpFallBack
    [in] Null-terminated sequence of Unicode characters that are output in place of an unconvertible Unicode character when the dwFlag parameter is set to MLCONVCHARF_USEDEFCHAR.

Return Values

The following table shows the possible return values for this method.

Value Description
S_OK Success.
S_FALSE The conversion specified is not supported on the system.
E_FAIL An error has occurred.


The size of the Unicode string to be converted is specified with a character count, while the size of the multibyte string returned is given in bytes.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Mlang.h, Mlang.idl.
Link Library: Mlang.dll.

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