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formatTime Method

Formats the time using the specified formatting options.

strValue = oXTLRuntime.formatTime(varTime, bstrFormat, varDestLocale);

HRESULT formatTime(
  VARIANT varTime,
  BSTR bstrFormat,
  VARIANT varDestLocale,
  BSTR* pbstrFormattedString

General Remarks

The following table shows the codes that are supported for time formats.

Time format Meaning
h Hours as 0-23
hh Hours as 00-23
m Minutes as 0-59
mm Minutes as 00-59
s Seconds as 0-59
ss Seconds as 00-59
AM/PM Insert AM or PM, display hours as 12-hour clock
am/pm Insert am or pm, display hours as 12-hour clock
A/P Insert A or P, display hours as 12-hour clock
a Insert a or p, display hours as 12-hour clock
[h]:mm Elapsed time in hours, for example, 25.02
[mm]:ss Elapsed time in minutes, for example, 63:46
[ss] Elapsed time in seconds
ss.00 Fractions of a second

This method applies to the following interface:


 Last updated on Saturday, April 10, 2004

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