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SMB Server Registry Settings

The registry stores information necessary to configure the system for applications and hardware devices. The registry also contains information that the operating system continually references during operation. The protected registry contains named values for the SMB file and print server configuration.

Note   The default registry values vary depending on which features are included in your platform. For more information, see Default Registry Settings.

The following table shows the named values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\Smbserver key.

Value : type Description
DLL : REG_SZ Default set to "Smbserver.dll". Specifies the name of the dynamic-link library (DLL) file to be loaded.
Prefix : REG_SZ Default set to SMB. Specifies the prefix of the DLL to be loaded.
Keep : REG_DWORD Default set to 1. If this is set to zero (0), the DLL will be unloaded immediately after initialization.
Order : REG_DWORD Default set to 9. Specifies the order in which Device.exe will load this service.

The following table shows the named values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Services\Smbserver key.

Value : type Description
AdapterList : REG_MULTI_SZ Provides a list of network adapters separated with a semicolon.
Security Note   This setting can be used to exclude network adapters that are attached to public (Internet-connected) networks.

See Also

File and Print Server Security | Print Server Registry Settings | File Server Registry Settings

 Last updated on Saturday, April 10, 2004

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