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Mapping Code Pages to Script IDs (Windows CE 5.0)

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Internet Explorer 6 determines default font information by examining registry values beneath a key that contains the locale's script ID. Registry settings for script IDs are located under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International\Scripts key. Script IDs enable MSHTML to determine which font is used to render characters for a given language. Earlier versions of Internet Explorer obtained default font information for a particular locale by examining values beneath a registry key that contained the locale's code page.

For more information about MLang registry settings, including those that control Internet Explorer 6 international information, see Internet Explorer Multiple-Language API Registry Settings.

The following table shows the script IDs with a description of the purpose for each.

Script ID Description
0 Default
1 Merge
2 Asciisym
3 Latin based
4 Latin
5 Greek
6 Cyrillic
7 Armenian
8 Hebrew
9 Arabic
10 Devanagari
11 Bengali
12 Gurmukhi
13 Gujarati
14 Oriya
15 Tamil
16 Telugu
17 Kannada
18 Malayalam
19 Thai
20 Lao
21 Tibetan
22 Georgian
23 Korean
24 Japanese
25 Chinese Traditional
26 Chinese Simplified
27 Ethiopic
28 Canadian Syllabic
29 Cherokee
30 Yi
31 Braille
32 Runic
33 Ogham
34 Sinhala
35 Syriac
36 Myanmar
37 Khmer
38 Thaana
39 Mongolian
40 Default

Note   Microsoft® Windows CE® does not support all of the Script IDs that are listed in the preceding table. For information about the supported languages, see Language Identifiers and Locales.

The following table shows a mapping between some code pages and their corresponding script ID values.

Code page Script ID
874 (Thai) 19 (Thai)
932 (Japanese - Shift JIS) 24 (Kana)
936 (Chinese - PRC) 26 (Han)
949 (Korean) 23 (Hangul)
950 (Chinese - Taiwan) 25 (Bopomofo)
1200 (UCS-2) 3 (ASCII Latin)
1250 (East European) 3 (ASCII Latin)
1251 (Russian) 6 (Cyrillic)
1252 (ANSI) 3 (ASCII Latin)
1253 (Greek) 5 (Greek)
1254 (Turkish) 3 (ASCII Latin)
1255 (Hebrew) 8 (Hebrew)
1256 (Arabic) 9 (Arabic)
1257 (Baltic) 3 (ASCII Latin)
1258 (Vietnamese) 3 (ASCII Latin)

The preceding table explains, for example, that information about Chinese fonts that used to be located in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International\950 key is now located in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International\Scripts\25 key.

To configure the font characteristics, you can change the registry values for this key.

The following example code shows the registry value settings for Chinese (Taiwan) fonts.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International\Scripts\25]

In the preceding example, IEFontSize is the value that specifies the font size for the given language. IEFontSize value corresponds to font size set in the browser. For example, to specify the font size that corresponds to "Small" in the browser, set "IEFontSize"=hex:02,00,00,00. IEFixedFontName is a string value that specifies the default fixed-width font. IEPropFontName is a string value that specifies the default proportional-width font.

When Internet Explorer uses code pages to determine font information, you can specify a default code page for a given language by setting the Default_CodePage value, located under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International registry key.

See Also

Internet Explorer Multiple-Language API Application Development

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