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This structure contains access denied information for an ISAPI filter. A pointer to this structure is provided when a user is presented with an Access Denied error message. If your filter should be notified, it should register for the SF_NOTIFY_ACCESS_DENIED event.

typedef struct _HTTP_FILTER_ACCESS_DENIED{const CHAR*pszURL;
  const CHAR*pszPhysicalPath;


  • pszURL
    Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the URL that requested access to the resource.
  • pszPhysicalPath
    The physical path of the resource that was requested.
  • dwReason
    Flags that indicate the reasons for the denial. The following table describes the possible values.
    Value Description
    SF_DENIED_LOGON The client could not be logged on.
    SF_DENIED_RESOURCE A Windows DACL denied the resource.
    SF_DENIED_FILTER An ISAPI filter denied the request.
    SF_DENIED_APPLICATION An ISAPI extension or CGI application denied the request.
    SF_DENIED_BY_CONFIG The server configuration denied the request. For example, disabling anonymous requests on the server would generate this filter notification when a user without credentials tried to make a request to the server.


This structure indicates that the server has denied access to the requested resource. The structure is generated when there has been a logon failure, or if a user requests a resource that has an associated discretionary access control list that does not include the logged-on user.

The server will automatically include the supported authentication schemes when an ISAPI extension, filter, or CGI script returns a 401 Access Denied error code.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2000 and later.
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later.
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Httpfilt.h.

See Also


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