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This structure contains the information required to start, stop, and change the video port. This structure passes the information to the DirectDraw hardware abstraction layer (DDHAL) UpdateVideoPort callback function.



  • lpDD**
    Pointer to the DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL structure that represents the DirectDraw object.

  • lpVideoPort**
    Pointer to the DDRAWI_DDVIDEOPORT_LCL structure that represents this video port.

  • lplpDDSurface
    Pointer to an array of surface structures that represent regular video surfaces. This member points to an array of surface structures to accommodate auto-flipping.

  • lplpDDVBISurface**
    Pointer to an array of surface structures that represent VBI surfaces. This member points to an array of surface structures to accommodate auto-flipping.

  • lpVideoInfo**
    Pointer to a DDVIDEOPORTINFO structure that describes the transfer of video data to a surface.

  • dwFlags**
    Control flags for the video port.

    The following table shows the possible flags.

    Flag Description
    DDRAWI_VPORTSTART Indicates that the video port is being started.
    DDRAWI_VPORTSTOP Indicates that the video port is being stopped.
    DDRAWI_VPORTUPDATE Indicates that the video port is being updated.
  • dwNumAutoflip**
    Contains the number of surfaces in the list if auto-flipping is requested. If this value is greater than 1, lplpDDSurface and lplpDDVBISurface are arrays.

  • dwNumVBIAutoflip**
    Contains the number of surfaces in the list if auto-flipping is requested. This pertains to devices that can pump the VBI data to a different surface. If this value is greater than 1, lplpDDSurface and lplpDDVIBSurface are arrays.

  • ddRVal**
    Passes the DirectDraw return values.

  • UpdateVideoPort**
    This member is used by DirectDraw and should not be filled in by the driver.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.
Header: Ddrawi.h.

See Also

UpdateVideoPort | DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL | DDVIDEOPORTINFO | Video Port Structures

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