LINEGENERATETONE (structure) (Windows CE 5.0)
This structure contains information about a tone to be generated. This structure is used by the lineGenerateTone (function) and TSPI_lineGenerateTone functions.
typedef struct linegeneratetone_tag {DWORD dwFrequency;DWORDdwCadenceOn;DWORDdwCadenceOff;DWORDdwVolume;} LINEGENERATETONE, FAR* LPLINEGENERATETONE;
- dwFrequency
Frequency of this tone component, in hertz. A service provider may adjust (round up or down) the frequency specified by the application to fit its resolution. - dwCadenceOn
Length of the "on" duration of the cadence of the custom tone to be generated, in milliseconds. Zero means no tone is generated. - dwCadenceOff
Length of the "off" duration of the cadence of the custom tone to be generated, in milliseconds. Zero means no off time, that is, a constant tone. - dwVolume
Volume level at which the tone is to be generated. A value of 0x0000FFFF specifies full volume, and a value of 0x00000000 specifies silence.
This structure may not be extended.
This structure is used only for the generation of tones. It is not used for tone monitoring.
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Tapi.h.
See Also
lineGenerateTone (function) | TSPI_lineGenerateTone
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