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Application Session Starting (Windows CE 5.0)

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A particular stream is received or transmitted by establishing a session. An application may control any number of sessions, and is not limited to a single concurrent session to a particular device. A session is established by using the IOCTL_STREAM_START_RECV_SESSION and IOCTL_STREAM_START_XMIT_SESSION commands. A receive session is where you receive a stream from an external device. A transmit session where you transmit a stream to an external device. When establishing a session, you need to define several types of parameters that define your stream. The following table shows these parameters.

Parameter Description
LocalPlug This field permits the definition of a local plug that is the source of the connection attempt. It is optional, and should in most cases simply be NULL.
RemotePlug This is the serial bus plug to connect to. For more information, see Plug Finding.
MediaType The type of data that you can stream varies. A discussion of all types is out of scope for this document, but the current list of choices is in the STREAM_MediaType enumeration. For more information, see IEEE 1394 Streaming Filter Driver Differences in Media Types.
Maximum Bitrate The maximum number of bits that will be transmitted in any given second. This field is applicable only to transmit sessions, and even then only to MPEG and DSS media types. For other scenarios, this field should be 0.
Sample Frequency Applicable only to audio streams, the current options are in the AUDIO_SampleFrequency enumeration.
ClusterDimension Applicable only to audio streams. Unfortunately, this parameter is too involving to define in this document. Refer to ISO/IEC-61883-6 for a precise definition.

Once these details are provided, the application can issue the appropriate IOCTL, IOCTL_STREAM_START_RECV_SESSION or IOCTL_STREAM_START_XMIT_SESSION. If the attempt is successful, the application will receive an opaque handle referred to as a session identifier as a result. This identifier uniquely identifies the session, and must be provided as an argument in actions regarding the session.

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