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ISAXXMLReader:IUnknown (Windows CE 5.0)

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The XML SAX feature for Microsoft® Windows® CE operating system (OS) provides two co-classes that implement the XML Reader interface.

  • SAXXMLReader

    The version-independent co-class. Uses the most current implementation. (CLSID_SAXXMLReader: 079aa557-4a18-424a-8eee-e39f0a8d41b9)

  • SAXXMLReader30

    The version-dependent co-class. Ties the application to msxml3.dll. (CLSID_SAXXMLReader30: 3124c396-fb13-4836-a6ad-1317f1713688)

Registering Handlers

An application can set and query features in the reader, register event handlers for document processing, and initiate a document parse. With this COM implementation of Simple API for XML (SAX2) in C++, the reader can use the following methods to register the corresponding handlers.

Method Description
putContentHandler Registers a content handler.
putDTDHandler Registers a DTD handler.
putErrorHandler Registers an error handler.

Controlling Reader Behavior

You can use the following methods to observe and control the behavior of the reader.

Method Description
getFeature Allows an application to ask the reader if it supports a feature.
putFeature Allows an application to request that the reader turn a particular feature on or off.

Supported Features and Properties

The Microsoft COM/C++ implementation of SAX2 supports the following features, for example, a property whose value is Boolean:

  • ""
  • ""
  • ""
  • ""
  • "normalize-line-breaks"
  • "server-http-request"

The reader also provides the getProperty and putProperty methods for getting and putting these properties.

  • ""
  • ""
  • "xmldecl-encoding"
  • "xmldecl-version"
  • "xmldecl-standalone"
Method Description
getBaseURL This method returns the base URL for the document.
putBaseURL This method sets the base URL for the document.
getContentHandler This method returns the current content handler.
putContentHandler This method allows an application to register a content handler.
getDTDHandler This method returns the current DTD handler.
putDTDHandler This method allows an application to register a DTD handler.
getEntityResolver This method returns the current entity resolver. At this time, the EntityResolver property cannot be set for this implementation of SAX2 (Simple API for XML).
putEntityResolver This method allows an application to register an entity resolver. At this time, the EntityResolver property cannot be set for this implementation of SAX2 (Simple API for XML).
getErrorHandler This method returns the current error handler.
putErrorHandler This method allows an application to register an error handler.
getFeature This method returns the Boolean value of a feature.
putFeature This method sets the value of a feature.
getProperty This method returns the value of a property. (Currently no properties are supported.)
putProperty This method sets the value of a property.
getSecureBaseURL This method returns the secure base URL for the document.
putSecureBaseURL This method sets the secure base URL for the document.
parse This method parses an XML document.
parseURL This method parses an XML document from a system identifier.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Msxml2.h, Msxml2.idl.
Link Library: Uuid.lib.

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