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CreateHandler (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function is called by the NAT driver when a mapping associated with a registered editor is created.

NTSTATUSCreateHandler( PVOIDEditorContext, ULONGPrivateAddress, USHORTPrivatePort, ULONGPublicAddress, USHORTPublicPort, ULONGRemoteAddress, USHORTRemotePort, PVOID* EditorSessionContextp)


  • EditorContext
    [in] Pointer to a context that the NAT editor supplied when the editor called the RegisterEditor function.
  • PrivateAddress
    [in] Unsigned long integer that specifies the private address for mapping.
  • PrivatePort
    [in] Unsigned short integer that specifies the private port for mapping.
  • PublicAddress
    [in] Unsigned long integer that specifies the public address for mapping.
  • PublicPort
    [in] Unsigned short integer that specifies the public port for mapping.
  • RemoteAddress
    [in] Unsigned long integer that specifies the remote host address for mapping.
  • RemotePort
    [in] Unsigned short integer that specifies the remote host port for mapping.
  • EditorSessionContextp
    [out] Pointer to a context to pass to subsequent callback functions, such as DeleteHandler, associated with this session mapping. This parameter is optional.

Return Values

STATUS_SUCCESS indicates success. A non-zero value indicates failure.


CreateHandler and DeleteHandler cannot invoke any helper functions other than QueryInfoSession because of synchronization considerations.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Natedit.h.
Link Library: Coredll.dll.

See Also

DeleteHandler | QueryInfoSession | RegisterEditor

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