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Prepare DevHealth (Compact 7)


DevHealth consists of two device-side files: the main program (Devhealth.exe) and a kernel DLL (Devhealthdll.dll). You can find these files on your development computer in %_WINCE700%\public\COMMON\oak\target\<CPU Type>\<Build Type>, where <Build Type> is checked, debug, or retail.

You can run DevHealth either from your device or from Platform Builder. If you want to run DevHealth from your device, you need to copy both Devhealth.exe and Devhealthdll.dll to the device. Because Devhealthdll.dll is a kernel DLL, copy it to the Windows directory on the device. If you plan to run the tool from the device with command-line options, and you do not have the Standard Shell (SYSGEN_STANDARDSHELL) in your OS image, include the Command Processor (SYSGEN_CMD) in your OS image. If you want to run DevHealth from Platform Builder by using a kernel independent transport layer (KITL) connection, copy Devhealth.exe and Devhealthdll.dll to the flat release directory.

See Also


DevHealth Memory Use Tool