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Tux.Net Command Line Parameters (Compact 2013)


You can run test cases simply by invoking a command-line on the device, for instance, in the Platform Builder Target Control, from a Run... prompt, or from a command (DOS) prompt.


TuxNet -assembly TestAssembly [-@ filename] [-comment string] 
[-group testgroup1;[testgroup2;...]] [-logfile filename] 
[-loglevel n] [-maxtime n] [-nobegin] [-nocleanup] [-noend] [-noinit] 
[-plugins plugin1[;plugin2;...]] [priority n] [-repeat n] 
[-rununtil result[:maxtries]] [-saveto] [-seed n] [-shuffle] 
[-stress] [-stop] [-suites [suite1[;suite2;...]] 
[-tests [testname1[;testname2;...]]]] [-testconfig filename] 
[-testid testId1[;testId2;...]] [-type testtype1[;testtype2;...]] 
[-user userdata] [-viewonly] 




-assembly TestAssembly

Name of the library (DLL) containing the test suite(s). This parameter must always be included, except when the assembly is specified in an external file and the -@ parameter is used to specify that file.

-@ filename

Read command line arguments from an xml or txt file. This option must be first on the command line if used. Any other command line arguments will override it. The default filename is CommandLine.txt.

-comment string

Add the comment string to the log

-group testgroup1[;testgroup2;...]

Semicolon-delimited list of test groups to run

-logfile filename

Name of the file used for logging test results; default is 'Results'. No extn required; the extn .log will be added automatically.

-loglevel n

Set verbose logging to level n where n is a either a value 0-4 or a named value. The default value is 3 (Debug).

-maxtime n

Stop running tests after n seconds have elapsed.


Disables calling the default Begin method for the test suite.


Disables calling the cleanup method specified in the TestCaseCleanupAttribute attribute for each test.


Disables calling the default End method for the test suite.


Disables calling the init method specified in the TestCaseInitAttribute attribute for each test.

-plugins plugin1[;plugin2;...]

Semicolon-delimited list of plugins to load, specifed as [assemblyname:classname]. Example parameter list:


-priority n

Set the TuxNet thread priority to n, where n is a value between 0 and 4, with 0 lowest and 4 highest (default value is 3).

-repeat n

Repeat tests n times. Default is 1

-rununtil result[:maxTries]

Repeat each test until the specified Logging.Resultresult is received, with an optional positive integer maxTries which specifies tha maximum of tries. Note that maxTries is separated from result by a colon (:).


Create a default xml configuration file for tests

-seed n

Seed for random number generator. Default is system tick count.


Run tests in random order.


Stress mode; runs a single test based on assigned weight.


Stop all running instances of the TuxNet.

-suites [suite1[;suite2;...]]

Semicolon-delimited list of ITestSuite objects in the assembly to execute. If no suites are specified, all suites in assembly are run. (This parameter must be used in order to use the -tests parameter.)

-tests [testname1[;testname2;...]]

Semicolon-delimited list of test names to run. If no test name is specified, all tests in suite are run. (The -suites parameter must be used in order to use this parameter.)

-testconfig filename

Read test run info from the xml file specified by filename.

-testid testId1[;testId2;...]

Semicolon-delimited list of test IDs to run

-type testtype1[;testtype2;...]

Semicolon-delimited list of test types to run

-user userdata

Pass user data userdata to test via ITestHarness interface


Display information about the tests but do not execute them

Here are some example command lines:

TuxNet -assembly MyTests.dll

TuxNet -assembly MyTests.dll -tests SimpleSample

TuxNet -assembly MyTests.dll -type Functional

If no parameters are given, or if the special -@ parameter is used, Tux.Net will look for its command options in an existing CommandLine.txt file (or other specified filename).

See Also

Other Resources

CTK Test Harness and Logging Mechanisms