Comparing Two Run-Time Images (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)
You can use the Run-Time Image Viewer to compare information about two run-time image (.bin; .dio) files for a variety of purposes, including discovering what files or registry settings differ in each run-time image.
When comparing two run-time images in the Run-Time Image Viewer, a toolbar button which enables you to filter the displayed information appears. You can choose from the following options.
- Show First Image Items Only
- Show Second Image Items Only
- Show All Image Items
- Show Identical Items
Comparing two run-time images
To open the Run-Time Image Viewer, from the File menu, choose Open, choose File, and then select the first run-time image file that you want to compare.
The Run-Time Image Viewer opens and displays information about the selected run-time image file.
From the Run-Time Image Viewer toolbar, click on Compare to Other Image, and then navigate to the file location where the second run-time image file is located. Choose Open.