Dump File Format (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)
The Error Reporting dump format uses Relative Virtual Addresses (RVA) to describe the location of a data member within a file. An RVA is an offset from the beginning of a file.
Because a minidump for a target device must be readable on another device, all structures in the dump file are the same size, regardless of the architecture of the faulting device.
The dump file format specifies a set of directories that point to the data.
Each directory specifies the following:
- Data type
- Data size
- RVA to the location of the data in the dump file
Each file permits only one directory of a specific type.
The basic dump file format is a single MINIDUMP_HEADER followed by n MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY entries followed by n data entries.
The MINIDUMP_HEADER specifies how many MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY entries follow. Each MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY entry points to data in the dump data section.
The following diagram shows the relationship of the data structures used in dump files.
MINIDUMP_HEADER Signature Version NumberOfStreams StreamDirectoryRva |
Directory [ 0 ] StreamType = ceStreamSystemInfo DataSize DataRva Directory [ 1 ] StreamType = ceStreamException DataSize DataRva Directory [NumberOfStreams – 1] StreamType = ceStreamThreadContextList DataSize DataRva |
Data [ 0 ] (_CEDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO) SizeOfHeader ProcessorArchitecture NumberOfProcessors Data [ 1 ] (_CEDUMP_EXCEPTION_STREAM) SizeOfHeader SizeOfException SizeOfThreadContext Data [NumberOfStreams – 1](_CEDUMP_ELEMENT_LIST) SizeOfHeader SizeOfFieldInfo NumberOfFieldInfo NumberOfElements Elements FieldInfo [ 0 ] (_CEDUMP_FIELD_INFO) FieldId FieldSize FieldLabel FieldFormat |