Performance Counter Base (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)
Some performance data types rely on an accompanying performance counter base that appears as the denominator in the formula for the calculation.
For any given performance counter, the counter base is stored in a performance counter that has an index value that is one greater than the index of the given performance counter.
For example, if the index of a performance counter of type PERF_RAW_FRACTION is 2018, the index of the base for the performance counter is 2019 and the type is PERF_RAW_BASE.
The following table lists the performance data types for each base type.
Base type | Description | Corresponding counter types |
Denominator for a counter that provides time per operation or count per operation. |
Number of items sampled. This value is used as the denominator in the formula that returns an average value for multiple samples. |
Denominator in the formula of a counter that presents its value as a fraction. |
Stores the number of sampling interrupts taken and is used as a denominator in the sampling fraction. The sampling fraction is the number of samples that were 1 (or TRUE) for a sample interrupt. |