WEDF_BlockedWindow.AddBlockedWindow (Industry 8.1)
Review the use, syntax, parameters, and return values of the WEDF_BlockedWindow.AddBlockedWindow method for Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry (Industry 8.1).
This method adds an array of WEDF_BlockedWindow objects to the list of windows that are blocked by Dialog Filter.
[Static] uint32 AddBlockedWindow (
[In, EmbeddedInstance("WEDF_BlockedWindow")] string windows[],
[Out] uint32 cmdletOutput[]
- windows
[In, EmbeddedInstance("WEDF_BlockedWindow")] An array of WEDF_BlockedWindow objects embedded as strings. This array represents the blocked window configurations to add to Dialog Filter.
[Out] An array of integers that contains the IDs of the new blocked window configurations just added.These IDs can be used later to remove these windows.
Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.
You must use an administrator account to add blocked window configurations.