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Mount Settings (Windows CE 5.0)

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Mount settings can be located anywhere along a multi-level hierarchy of registry keys starting at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles. The scope of the mount setting narrows at each level in the same manner as variable scope in a C++ program. At any particular level, Storage Manager combines the applicable settings to generate the proper mount settings for a specific instance of a mounted file. Settings at a lower level in the hierarchy override values that might have been set at a higher level.

  • Mount settings under the base profile key

    Settings at [HKLM\System\StorageManager\Profiles] pertain to all file systems on all profile-based storage devices; that is, any file system with a block device. Note that this excludes AutoLoad file systems.

  • Mount settings under a specific profile key

    Settings at [HKLM\System\StorageManager\Profiles\<MyProfileName>], pertain to all mounted instances of all file systems on storage devices reporting the profile <MyProfileName>.

  • Mount settings under a file system sub-key of a profile specific key

    Settings under a file system sub-key, [HKLM\System\StorageManager\Profiles\< MyProfileName>\<MyFileSystemName >], pertain to only mounted instances of <MyFileSystemName> on storage devices reporting the profile <MyProfileName>.

  • Mount settings under a partition sub-key of a profile specific key

    Settings at [HKLM\System\StorageManager\Profiles\<MyProfileName>\<MyPartitionName>], pertain to only the partition named <MyPartitionName> when mounted on devices reporting the profile <MyProfileName>.

For versions of Windows CE earlier than Windows CE 5.0, you can place mount settings in the MountFlags value. MountFlags value use bitwise OR combinations to specify how the partition should be mounted. Values for MountFlags and its replacements can be set at the Profiles level, and also within an individual profile.

For Windows CE 5.0 and later, the MountFlags registry flag has been deprecated. Replacement values are simpler: each replacement value can be dword:1, indicating that the setting is turned on, or dword:0, indicating that the setting is turned off.

The following table provides summary descriptions of flags for setting mount values.

Flag Description
"MountFlags" Indicates how the partition is mounted.

This value has been deprecated for Windows CE 5.0 and later. It is recommended that you use the replacement registry keys listed below to indicate partition mount values.

"MountHidden" Specifies a hidden file system. Set to 1 to enable.

Replaces "MountFlags"=dword:1

"MountAsBootable" Specifies that the file system may contain the system registry. The first mounted partition on the store gets the hive. Set to 1 to enable.

Replaces "MountFlags"=dword:2

"MountAsRoot" Specifies to mount as the root of the file system. Set to 1 to enable.

Replaces "MountFlags"=dword:4

"MountAsROM" Specifies to mount as an external ROM file system. Set to 1 to enable.

Replaces "MountFlags"=dword:10

"MountSystem" Treats all files and subdirectories as system files. Set to 1 to enable.

Replaces "MountFlags"=dword:20

"MountPermanent" Indicates this volume can never be dismounted. Set to 1 to enable.

Replaces "MountFlags"=dword:40

"MountNetwork" Indicates this volume receives all UNC paths. Set to 1 to enable.

Replaces "MountFlags"=dword:80

The following table shows examples of typical replacements for deprecated MountFlags values:

Deprecated value: Replacement values Description
"MountFlags"=dword:6 "MountAsBootable"=dword:1
Mounts the partition at the root as a bootable partition.
"MountFlags"=dword:11 "MountHidden"=dword:1
Mounts the partition as ROM, and makes the partition not visible to users.

See Also

File Systems Registry Settings Overview | Settings for Specific File Systems

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