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IKsPropertySet::Get (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method retrieves a property identified by a property set GUID and a property ID.

HRESULT Get(  REFGUID guidPropSet,  DWORD   dwPropID,  LPVOID  pInstanceData,  DWORD   cbInstanceData,  LPVOID  pPropData,  DWORD   cbPropData,  DWORD*  pcbReturned);


  • guidPropSet
    [in] A REFGUID value that specifies the GUID of the property set.
  • dwPropID
    [in] A DWORD value that specifies the identifier of the property within the property set.
  • pInstanceData
    [in] An LPVOID value that is a pointer to an array of bytes that contains instance data for the property.
  • cbInstanceData
    [in] A DWORD value that specifies the size of the array given in pInstanceData.
  • pPropData
    [out] An LPVOID value that is a pointer to an array of bytes that receives the property data.
  • cbPropData
    [in] A DWORD value that specifies the size of the array given in pPropData.
  • pcbReturned
    [out] A pointer to a DWORD variable that receives the number of bytes the method returned in the pPropData array.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value. The following table shows some of the possible return values.

Value Description
S_OK Success.
E_PROP_SET_UNSUPPORTED The property set is not supported.
E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED The property ID is not supported for the specified property set.


To retrieve a property, allocate a buffer for this method to fill in. To determine the necessary buffer size, specify NULL for pPropData and zero (0) for cbPropData. This method returns the necessary buffer size in pcbReturned.

The following ode queries a pin for its pin category, by retrieving the AMPROPERTY_PIN_CATEGORY property, see Pin Property Set.

IKsPropertySet *pKs;
GUID guid;
DWORD cbBytes;
/* Query the pin for IKsProperty Set (not shown.) */
    sizeof(GUID), &cbBytes);


DirectShow applications and DirectShow filters have different include file and link library requirements.

For more information, see Setting Up the Build Environment.

OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 with Windows CE 5.0 Networked Media Device Feature Pack

See Also

IKsPropertySet Interface | Pin Property Set

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