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Internet Explorer 6 OS Overview (Windows CE 5.0)

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Internet Explorer 6 for Microsoft® Windows® CE provides an HTML/DHTML parsing and rendering engine, a browser control host, a simple browser UI, television-style navigation, and multiple-language support. The browser control host and HTML engine are comparable in functionality to that of Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.

OS Design Information

The following table shows operating system design information for Internet Explorer 6.

Element Information
Dependencies Requires Multiple-Language API (MLang), Windows Internet Services (WinInet), URL Moniker Services (UrlMon), Internet Explorer HTML/DHTML (MSHTML) and Browser Control Host (Shdocvw), and full communications (Windows Sockets, TCP/IP stack).
Hardware considerations None.

Modules and Components

The following table shows the components and modules that implement Internet Explorer 6. For more information about the Internet Explorer 6 components and modules architecture, see Internet Explorer 6 Architecture.

Item Module Component
Additional Windows APIs used by Internet Explorer ieceext None
Internet Explorer printing functionality iepeers None
Line services and text layout engine msls31 None
Sample browser UI iesample None
Sample Internet Control Panel inetcpl None
XML Support msxml None

Implementation Considerations

The following table shows the Sysgen variables that control Internet Explorer functionalities.

Sysgen variable Description
SYSGEN_IE All of the standard components of Internet Explorer 6 for Windows CE
SYSGEN_IESAMPLE Sample browser UI (Iesample.exe).
SYSGEN_TVLENS_ALL Provides standard components for television-style navigation and sets SYSGEN_TVLENS_FWL, SYSGEN_TVLENS_DTA, and SYSGEN_TVLENS_NOVSCR all to 1.
SYSGEN_INETCPL Sample Internet Explorer 6 Internet Options Control Panel.

When you add the Internet Explorer 6 sample browser (SYSGEN_IESAMPLE) to your OS design, your operating system includes a simple browser shell application, IESample.exe. This browser shell includes a standard menu bar and address bar. If you are creating a custom browser shell, you should use this sample browser as a starting point. For more information about the browser sample, see the IESAMPLE Browser.

Platform Builder also includes sample code for a full-screen browser application called "IESIMPLE", which you can modify, compile, and incorporate into your operating system image. The IESIMPLE sample code is located at %_WINCEROOT%\Public\IE\Oak\IESimple. For more information, see Creating an Internet Browser.

When you add the sample Internet Explorer 6 Internet Options Control Panel (SYSGEN_INETCPL) item to your OS design, the Control Panel shell includes an Internet Options icon that users click to set custom Internet settings. Clicking the icon displays the Internet Settings property pages, which allow the user to set Start and Search pages, clear the cache and History, and specify connection and security settings. Complete source files for the Internet Control Panel item are in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\IE\OAK\INETCPL folder.

See Also

Internet Explorer 6 for Windows CE | Internet Explorer 6 Application Development

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