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NTE error codes (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows NTE error values generated by the specific cryptographic service providers (CSP).

Value Message Text Description
80090001 NTE_BAD_UID Bad UID.
80090002 NTE_BAD_HASH Bad hash.
80090003 NTE_BAD_KEY Bad key.
80090004 NTE_BAD_LEN Bad length.
80090005 NTE_BAD_DATA Bad data.
80090006 NTE_BAD_SIGNATURE Invalid signature.
80090007 NTE_BAD_VER Bad version of provider.
80090008 NTE_BAD_ALGID Invalid algorithm specified.
80090009 NTE_BAD_FLAGS Invalid flags specified.
8009000A NTE_BAD_TYPE Invalid type specified.
8009000B NTE_BAD_KEY_STATE Key not valid for use in specified state.
8009000C NTE_BAD_HASH_STATE Hash not valid for use in specified state.
8009000D NTE_NO_KEY Key does not exist.
8009000E NTE_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory available for the operation.
8009000F NTE_EXISTS Object already exists.
80090010 NTE_PERM Access denied.
80090011 NTE_NOT_FOUND Object was not found.
80090012 NTE_DOUBLE_ENCRYPT Data already encrypted.
80090013 NTE_BAD_PROVIDER Invalid provider specified.
80090014 NTE_BAD_PROV_TYPE Invalid provider type specified.
80090015 NTE_BAD_PUBLIC_KEY Invalid provider public key.
80090016 NTE_BAD_KEYSET Keyset does not exist
80090017 NTE_PROV_TYPE_NOT_DEF Provider type not defined.
80090018 NTE_PROV_TYPE_ENTRY_BAD Invalid registration for provider type.
80090019 NTE_KEYSET_NOT_DEF The keyset not defined.
8009001A NTE_KEYSET_ENTRY_BAD Invalid keyset registration.
8009001B NTE_PROV_TYPE_NO_MATCH Provider type does not match registered value.
8009001C NTE_SIGNATURE_FILE_BAD Corrupt digital signature file.
8009001D NTE_PROVIDER_DLL_FAIL Provider DLL failed to initialize correctly.
8009001E NTE_PROV_DLL_NOT_FOUND Provider DLL not found.
8009001F NTE_BAD_KEYSET_PARAM Invalid keyset parameter.
80090020 NTE_FAIL Internal error occurred.
80090021 NTE_SYS_ERR Base error occurred.

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