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CeLog Event Identifiers (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the supported events.

Event Identifier Description Zone
CELID_CALLSTACK Logging a call stack as a companion to the previously logged event. For example, a Monte Carlo profiler hit, CELID_MONTECARLO_HIT, might be followed by a call stack event containing the call stack captured during the profiler hit. The data will be an array of DWORD return addresses. This event is available in all zones.
CELID_CS_DELETE Deleting a critical section (DeleteCriticalSection). The CEL_CRITSEC_DELETE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_CRITSECT
CELID_CS_ENTER Entering a critical section (EnterCriticalSection) that is owned by another thread. At this stage, the thread that is trying to acquire access to the critical section is blocked. The CEL_CRITSEC_ENTER structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_CRITSECT
CELID_CS_INIT Initializing a critical section (InitializeCriticalSection). The CEL_CRITSEC_INIT structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_CRITSECT
CELID_CS_LEAVE Leaving a critical section (LeaveCriticalSection). The CEL_CRITSEC_LEAVE structure stores the relevant information about this event. This event is only logged when another thread is blocked waiting on the critical section. CELZONE_CRITSECT
CELID_DATA_LOSS An event that identifies loss of data has occurred during data collection. The CEL_DATA_LOSS structure stores the relevant information about this event. This event is used to periodically log a data loss counter using the CEL_DATA_LOSS structure. This event is available in all zones.
CELID_DEBUG_MSG An event that signals a debug message has been printed.

This event is supported for Windows Mobile only.

CELID_EVENT_CLOSE An event object was closed. The CEL_EVENT_CLOSE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_SYNCH
CELID_EVENT_CREATE An event object was created or opened (CreateEvent). The CEL_EVENT_CREATE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_SYNCH
CELID_EVENT_DELETE An event object was deleted. The CEL_EVENT_DELETE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_SYNCH
CELID_EVENT_PULSE An event was pulsed (PulseEvent). The CEL_EVENT_PULSE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_SYNCH
CELID_EVENT_RESET An event was reset (ResetEvent). The CEL_EVENT_RESET structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_SYNCH
CELID_EVENT_SET An event was set or triggered (SetEvent). The CEL_EVENT_SET structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_SYNCH
CELID_EXTRA_MODULE_INFO Additional information about a process to augment the CELID_MODULE_LOAD event. The CEL_EXTRA_MODULE_INFO structure stores the relevant information about this event.

This event may not immediately follow a CELID_MODULE_LOAD event.

CELID_EXTRA_PROCESS_INFO Additional information about a process to augment the CELID_PROCESS_CREATE event. The CEL_EXTRA_PROCESS_INFO structure stores the relevant information about this event.

This event may not immediately follow a CELID_PROCESS_CREATE event.

CELID_FLAGGED An event has been flagged to distinguish it from other events. This flag is not passed as a parameter to CeLogData. It is generated by setting fFlagged to TRUE. This event is available in all zones.
CELID_HEAP_ALLOC A heap allocation has occurred (HeapAlloc). The CEL_HEAP_ALLOC structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_HEAP
CELID_HEAP_CREATE The memory heap has been created (HeapCreate). The CEL_HEAP_CREATE structure stores the relevant information about this heap. CELZONE_HEAP
CELID_HEAP_DESTROY A heap has been destroyed (HeapDestroy). The CEL_HEAP_DESTROY structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_HEAP
CELID_HEAP_FREE A heap allocation has been freed (HeapFree). The CEL_HEAP_FREE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_HEAP
CELID_HEAP_REALLOC A heap memory allocation has been reallocated. The CEL_HEAP_REALLOC structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_HEAP
CELID_INTERRUPTS A list of interrupt information identified by the CEL_INTERRUPTS structure. CELZONE_INTERRUPT
CELID_KCALL_ENTER A thread has entered into a KCALL region where pData is the identifier of the KCALL and wLen is the size of the identifier value. There is no structure associated with this event because the important information (identifier and time stamp) can be obtained from the event header information. CELZONE_KCALL
CELID_KCALL_EXIT A thread has left a KCALL region where pData is the identifier of the KCALL and wLen is the size of the identifier value. There is no structure associated with this event because the important information (identifier and time stamp) can be obtained from the event header information. CELZONE_KCALL
CELID_MAPFILE_CREATE An event that signals a memory-mapped file has been created. CELZONE_VIRTMEM
CELID_MAPFILE_CREATE An event that signals a file-mapping object has been created via CreateFileMapping. CELZONE_VIRTMEM
CELID_MAPFILE_DESTROY An event that signals a memory-mapped file has been destroyed. CELZONE_VIRTMEM
CELID_MAPFILE_DESTROY An event that signals that the last reference to a file mapping object has been closed, and so the memory-mapped file has been destroyed. CELZONE_VIRTMEM
CELID_MAPFILE_FLUSH An event that signals a memory-mapped file has been flushed. CELZONE_VIRTMEM and CELZONE_DEMANDPAGE
CELID_MAPFILE_FLUSH An event that signals a view of a file-mapping object has been flushed via FlushViewOfFile. CELZONE_VIRTMEM and CELZONE_DEMANDPAGE
CELID_MAPFILE_VIEW_CLOSE An event that signals completion MapViewOfFile has completed mapping a file view. CELZONE_VIRTMEM
CELID_MAPFILE_VIEW_CLOSE An event that signals that a view of a file-mapping object has been closed via UnmapViewOfFile. CELZONE_VIRTMEM
CELID_MAPFILE_VIEW_OPEN An event that signals a memory-mapped file has been opened. CELZONE_VIRTMEM
CELID_MAPFILE_VIEW_OPEN An event that signals a view of a file-mapping object has been opened via MapViewOfFile. CELZONE_VIRTMEM
CELID_MEMTRACK_BASELINE An event is sent to insert a base line marker that is used to track the memory state prior to a test. CELZONE_MEMTRACKING
CELID_MEMTRACK_DETACHP An event that signals when memory tracking is turned off. There is one event per process sent. CELZONE_MEMTRACKING
CELID_MODULE_FREE A DLL module has been freed in a process. The CEL_MODULE_FREE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_LOADER or CELZONE_THREAD
CELID_MODULE_LOAD A DLL module has been loaded in a process. The CEL_MODULE_LOAD structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_LOADER or CELZONE_THREAD
CELID_MODULE_REFERENCES Reference count information about a loaded module. The CEL_MODULE_REFERENCES structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_LOADER
CELID_MONTECARLO_HIT The kernel profiler has captured a profiler sample. The data is a single DWORD containing the address of the code that was running when the profiler interrupted it. CELZONE_PROFILER
CELID_MUTEX_CLOSE A mutex was deleted. The CEL_MUTEX_CLOSE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_SYNCH
CELID_MUTEX_CREATE A mutex was created or opened (CreateMutex). The CEL_MUTEX_CREATE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_SYNCH
CELID_MUTEX_DELETE A mutex object has been deleted. The CEL_MUTEX_DELETE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_SYNCH
CELID_MUTEX_RELEASE A mutex was released (ReleaseMutex). The CEL_MUTEX_RELEASE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_SYNCH
CELID_OEMPROFILER_HIT The OEM-defined profiler has captured a profiler sample. The data is an OEMProfilerData structure. CELZONE_PROFILER
CELID_PROCESS_CLOSE A process has been closed. The CEL_PROCESS_CLOSE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_PROCESS
CELID_PROCESS_CREATE A new process has been created (CreateProcess) or a process was opened (OpenProcess). The CEL_PROCESS_CREATE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_PROCESS or CELZONE_THREAD
CELID_PROCESS_DELETE A process object has been deleted. The CEL_PROCESS_DELETE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_PROCESS
CELID_PROCESS_TERMINATE A process has been terminated. The CEL_PROCESS_TERMINATE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_PROCESS
CELID_PROFILER_START The kernel profiler has started capturing data. The ProfilerControl structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_PROFILER
CELID_PROFILER_STOP The kernel profiler has stopped capturing data. There is no data associated with this event. CELZONE_PROFILER
CELID_RAW_CHAR An array of raw data bits of the form CHAR whose pData length is determined by the wLen parameter of CeLogData. A structure is not provided. User definable
CELID_RAW_DOUBLE An array of raw data bits of the form DOUBLE whose pData length is determined by the wLen parameter of CeLogData. A structure is not provided. User definable
CELID_RAW_FLOAT An array of raw data bits of the form FLOAT whose pData length is determined by the wLen parameter of CeLogData. A structure is not provided. User definable
CELID_RAW_LONG An array of raw data bits of the form LONG whose pData length is determined by the wLen parameter of CeLogData. A structure is not provided. User definable
CELID_RAW_SHORT An array of raw data bits of the form SHORT whose pData length is determined by the wLen parameter of CeLogData. There is not a structure provided. User definable
CELID_RAW_UCHAR An array of raw data bits of the form UCHAR whose pData length is determined by the wLen parameter of CeLogData. A structure is not provided. User definable
CELID_RAW_ULONG An array of raw data bits of the form ULONG whose pData length is determined by the wLen parameter of CeLogData. A structure is not provided. User definable
CELID_RAW_USHORT An array of raw data bits of the form USHORT whose pData length is determined by the wLen parameter of CeLogData. A structure is not provided. User definable
CELID_RAW_WCHAR An array of raw data bits of the form WCHAR whose pData length is determined by the wLen parameter of CeLogData. A structure is not provided. User definable
CELID_SEM_CLOSE A thread has closed the semaphore (CloseHandle). The CEL_SEM_CLOSE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_SYNCH
CELID_SEM_CREATE A semaphore has been created or opened (CreateSemaphore). The CEL_SEM_CREATE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_SYNCH
CELID_SEM_DELETE A semaphore object has been deleted. The CEL_SEM_DELETE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_SYNCH
CELID_SEM_RELEASE A thread has exited the semaphore (ReleaseSemaphore). The CEL_SEM_RELEASE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_SYNCH
CELID_SLEEP Sleep has been called. The CEL_SLEEP structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_SYNCH
CELID_SYNC_END An event is sent to identify the end of data associated with the CeLogReSync function call. There is no data associated with it. This event is available in all zones.
CELID_SYSTEM_INVERT A priority inheritance event has occurred in response to a priority inversion condition. There is no additional structure for this event. The CEL_SYSTEM_INVERT structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_PRIORITYINV
CELID_SYSTEM_PAGE A demand page has occurred. There is no additional structure for this event. The CEL_SYSTEM_PAGE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_DEMANDPAGE
CELID_SYSTEM_TLB A TLB missed event has occurred. The CEL_SYSTEM_TLB structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_TLB
CELID_THREAD_CLOSE A thread handle has been closed (CloseHandle). The CEL_THREAD_CLOSE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_THREAD
CELID_THREAD_CREATE A new thread has been created (CreateThread). The CEL_THREAD_CREATE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_THREAD
CELID_THREAD_DELETE A thread object has been deleted. The CEL_THREAD_DELETE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_THREAD
CELID_THREAD_MIGRATE A thread has made a system call that is being performed by a secondary process. The CEL_THREAD_MIGRATE stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_MIGRATE
CELID_THREAD_PRIORITY A change in priority has occurred. The CEL_THREAD_PRIORITY structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_THREAD
CELID_THREAD_QUANTUM A change in quantum has occurred. The CEL_THREAD_QUANTUM structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_THREAD
CELID_THREAD_QUANTUMEXPIRE The current thread has reached the end of its quantum.

There is no additional data associated with this event.

CELID_THREAD_RESUME A thread specified by the CEL_THREAD_RESUME structure has been resumed with a call to ResumeThread. CELZONE_RESCHEDULE
CELID_THREAD_SUSPEND A thread specified by the CEL_THREAD_SUSPEND structure has been suspended with a call to SuspendThread. CELZONE_RESCHEDULE
CELID_THREAD_SWITCH A thread switch has occurred. The CEL_THREAD_SWITCH structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_RESCHEDULE
CELID_THREAD_TERMINATE A thread has terminated. The CEL_THREAD_TERMINATE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_THREAD
CELID_VIRTUAL_ALLOC A virtual allocation has occurred (VirtualAlloc). The CEL_VIRTUAL_ALLOC structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_VIRTMEM
CELID_VIRTUAL_COPY A virtual copy has occurred (VirtualCopy). The CEL_VIRTUAL_COPY structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_VIRTMEM
CELID_VIRTUAL_FREE A virtual allocation has been freed (VirtualFree). The CEL_VIRTUAL_FREE structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_VIRTMEM
CELID_WAIT_MULTI A call was made to one of the Wait* APIs. The CEL_WAIT_MULTI structure stores the relevant information about this event. CELZONE_SYNCH

See Also

CeLogData | CeLog Zones | CeLog Event Tracking Reference

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