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Displaying Parameter Info (Windows CE 5.0)

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You can display information about the parameters in a function.

To display parameter information

  1. With your insertion point next to a member function, type an open parenthesis (() as you usually would to enclose the parameter list.

    Platform Builder displays the complete declaration for the function in a pop-up window just under the insertion point. The first parameter in the list appears in boldface.

    For overloaded functions, the parameter list gives you a choice of which function you want to use.

    To switch between functions, use the arrow keys or press CTRL+PAGEUP or CRTL+PAGEDOWN.

    As you type the function parameters, the next parameter that you need to add becomes boldface.

  2. Press ESC at any time to dismiss the list, or continue typing until you have completed the function.

    Typing the closing parenthesis also dismisses the parameter list.

  3. If you dismiss the parameter list before completing the function and want to view it again, press CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE, or right-click in the text editor and choose ParameterInfo from the shortcut menu.

See Also

Parameter List Viewing for a Function

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