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Public Common OAK Directory (Windows CE 5.0)

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The OAK directory contains component files, such as development tools.

The OAK directory contains the following directories.

Directory Contents
Bin Tools that build the run-time image and are in directories specific to each type of hardware platform.

For example, the tools for an i386-based workstation are in Bin\I386.

Catalog Files that include Catalog information, including some default Catalog item files (.cec) and design templates,
Cpulibs Files that provide libraries for each type of CPU and are in directories specific to each type of CPU.
CSP Files that provide support for Chip Support Package drivers and are in directories specific to each type of CPU.

For example, the files for an i486-based CPU are in CSP\i486.

Dbgpub Files that can be used when debugging.
Demos Sample application files. The following files are in this directory:
  • Etcha. This is a sample drawing application.
  • Inksamp. This is a sample touch-screen driver-testing application.
  • Inksamp2. This is a sample touch-screen driver-testing application.
  • Kbdmsg. This is a sample keyboard-testing application.
Drivers Device Drivers. The platform-independent portion of device drivers in this directory are sometimes linked with the platform-dependent portions of drivers for each platform to create the final driver.

You do not need to modify the platform-independent portion of the drivers. The source code is supplied for reference.

The Calibrui, Fatui, Netui, Oomui, Startui, and Waveui directories include customizable portions of the Windows CE user interface (UI). The source code is included so you can modify it if you want to customize the UI for your platform.

Files Files used to build the OS image, initial directory structure, initialized databases, and initialized registry.

This directory also contains the Intltrns directory, which contains files that include localized device-specific strings for supported languages

This directory also contains the following files:

  • Common.bib
  • Common.dat
  • Common.db
  • Common.reg
  • NLS data
  • Font files
Inc Header files required to build demos and platform-independent portions of device drivers.
Lib Libraries required to build platform-dependent GWES components and system components, such as Gwes.exe and Nk.exe, which are the platform-dependent portion of the device drivers.

The libraries are in directories with the following formats:

  • Cpu\Debug
  • Cpu\Retail

An example is Sh4\Retail.

Do not include your libraries in this directory, except for driver libraries, because you have been supplied with the source code for the platform-independent portions. If you rebuild platform-independent portions of these drivers, the library that results is included in this directory.

Before you modify the platform-independent portion of a driver that Microsoft supplies, copy the source code to your project and then build that project.

The project library should be in Public\Project\Oak\Lib.

You must also modify the sources file in the code for a specific platform.

Misc Files common to all development projects, including the Windows CE Build Environment tool (Wince.bat), which configures the build environment.
Notify UI portions of Windows CE APIs that manage user notification for devices with a UI. The source code is included.
NotifyM UI portions of Windows CE APIs that manage user notification. These APIs are for devices without a UI.

Stub functions are provided that enable notifications to be used to launch applications on trigger events or at a scheduled time, even on devices without a UI.

The source code is included.

Target Applications and DLLs that make up the Windows CE OS and components.

The .dll and .exe files, with their associated .pdb and .map files, are in directories with the following formats:

  • Cpu\Debug

    An example is Sh4\Debug.

  • Cpu\Retail

    An example is Sh4\Retail.

Do not store custom components in this directory. It is only for Windows CE OS components.

Tktest Files for implementing tests of the Tiny Kernel OS design.
Tools Source code files for development and deployment tools that run on a desktop computer running Microsoft® Windows NT®.

The Signfile subdirectory contains source code files for Signfile.exe, which is a tool for embedding digital signatures in Windows CE executable files.

Utils Utilities for measuring interrupt latencies and benchmarking.
Wtl Header files that are part of the Windows Template library.

See Also

Public Common Directory

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