The root cause contains a Data element for each of the following properties:
The description of the root cause. The Id attribute for this property is Description.
The status that indicates whether the package tried to detect the root cause. Possible values are:
Detected the root cause was detected but could not determine if the issue was fixed
Not Detected the root cause was not detected
Not Checked the troubleshooter script was not called
Fixed the root cause was detected and fixed.
Not Fixed the root cause was detected but not fixed.
The troubleshooter sets the Detected and Not Detected status values, and the verifier sets the Fixed and Not Fixed status values. The Id attribute for this property is Status.
The text body of the Data element contains the property's value.
Defines the section of the report that contains the custom details that the package author added to the report for this root cause. The custom detail is added to this section only if the script specifies the -RootCauseId parameter when it calls the [Update-DiagReport]( cmdlet.