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Scanner Device Property Constants

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) hardware devices have property values that are stored in the Windows registry. For more information, see Common Device Property Constants. The following device property constants, with their associated strings, are specific to digital image scanners.

The prefix "WIA_DPS_" indicates a Device Property for Scanner devices and is the naming convention used in C/C++. For scripting purposes these constants use the prefix "ScannerDevice" and are part of the WiaItemPropertyId enumerated type. The corresponding member name from that script enumeration appears in parentheses next to the C/C++ constant name in the following list.

Constant/value Description
This property is supported only on Windows Vista and later.

Contains a unique function instance identifier for a web services scanner device. This identifier represents the web service on the scanner device with which the WIA mini-driver is communicating. No assumptions about the form of this identifier should be made. The WIA mini-driver creates and maintains this property.
WIA applications can use the value of WIA_DPS_DEVICE_ID to find, using the Function Discovery API, the function instance object representing the web services scanner device used in the current WIA 2.0 session.
Type: VT_BSTR, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE

Reserved, do not use.
Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE
Reserved, do not use.
Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE
Contains the capabilities of the scanner. The minidriver creates and maintains this property.
An application reads this property to determine whether the scanner has a flatbed, document feeder, or duplexer installed. This property is also used to further define the installed features.
Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE
The following table describes the constants that are valid with Windows 7 only.
Flags Description
AUTO_SOURCE The scanner has an automatic document handler installed.


The following table describes the constants that are valid with Windows 7 and Windows Vista only.

Flags Description
ADVANCED_DUP The device supports advanced duplex scan configuration. Use WIA_IPS_DUPLEX_SETTINGS to switch between using basic and advanced duplex configurations.
DETECT_FILM_TPA The scanner can detect when the transparency/film adapter is ready to scan.
DETECT_STOR The scanner can detect when there are documents in the internal storage.
FILM_TPA The scanner is equipped with a transparency/film scanning adapter.
STOR The scanner is equipped with an internal image storage device.


The following table describes the constants that are valid with Windows XP or later.

Flags Description
DETECT_FEED The scanner can detect a document in the feeder.
DETECT_FLAT The scanner can detect a document on the flatbed platen.
DETECT_SCAN The scanner can detect a document in the feeder only by scanning.
DUP The scanner has a duplexer.
FEED The scanner has an automatic document handler installed.
FLAT The scanner has a flatbed platen.


The following table describes the constants that are valid with Windows XP only. These values have been deprecated for Windows 7 and Windows Vista and should not be used.

Flags Description
DETECT_DUP The scanner can detect a duplex scan request from the user.
DETECT_DUP_AVAIL The scanner can tell when the duplexer is installed.
DETECT_FEED_AVAIL The scanner can tell when the automatic document feeder is installed.



This property is not supported in Windows Vista and later. Use WIA_IPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT.


Contains the current scanner acquisition source and mode.The minidriver creates and maintains this property.

An application reads this property to determine the current acquisition source of the scanner or to write this property to set the source and mode of the scanner. In addition, applications use this property to enable and disable duplexer functionality.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read/Write, Valid values: WIA_PROP_FLAG

The following table has the ten constants that are valid with this property.

Flags Description
FEEDER Scan using the document feeder.
FLATBED Scan using the flatbed.
DUPLEX Scan using duplexer operations.
AUTO_ADVANCE Enables automatic feeding of the next document after a scan.
FRONT_FIRST Scan the front of the document first. This value is valid when DUPLEX is set.
BACK_FIRST Scan the back of the document first. This value is valid when DUPLEX is set.
FRONT_ONLY Scan the front only. This value is valid when DUPLEX is set.
BACK_ONLY Scan the back only. This value is valid when DUPLEX is set.
NEXT_PAGE Scan the next page of the document.
PREFEED Enable pre-feed mode. Pre-position next document while scanning.



Contains current state of the scanner's installed flatbed, document feeder, or duplexer. The minidriver creates and maintains this property.

An application reads this property to determine whether the scanner device is ready to be used. This is an ideal way to check whether paper is in the feeder prior to acquiring an image.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE

The following table has the constants that are valid with this property.An asterisk * indicates that the flag is not supported in Windows Vista or later. The V symbol indicates that the flag is supported only in Windows Vista and later.

Flags Description
FEED_READY The flatbed is ready for use.
FLAT_READY The scanner has a document on the flatbed platen.
DUP_READY The duplexer is enabled and ready to be used.
FLAT_COVER_UP The flat bed cover is up.
PATH_COVER_UP The paper path is covered up and is preventing proper operation.
PAPER_JAM A document is jammed in the document feeder.
FILM_TPA_READYV The transparency adapter is installed and ready for use.
STORAGE_READYV The internal storage device is ready.
STORAGE_FULLV The storage is full, no upload operations possible.
MULTIPLE_FEEDV A multiple feed condition occurred (usually with a PAPER_JAM).
DEVICE_ATTENTIONV There is an error that requires user intervention on the device.
LAMP_ERRV The scanner is not ready due to a lamp problem.



Contains all the valid characters that an application can use to create valid endorser strings. An endorser is a printer installed on a scanner that imprints a text message on every page scanned. The minidriver should validate the setting of the WIA_DPS_ENDORSER_STRING property against the valid character set in this property. The minidriver creates and maintains this property.

Type: VT_BSTR, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE


Contains a string that is to be endorsed (in other words, printed) on each page that the minidriver scans. An application sets this property using the valid character set that is reported in the WIA_DPS_ENDORSER_CHARACTERS property. The minidriver should endorse documents only if a string is set in this property. An empty string means that the endorser functionality is disabled.

Because it is the driver's responsibility to interpret the endorser string, your driver can use special characters in WIA_DPS_ENDORSER_STRING. However, only your applications would understand these characters.

Type: VT_BSTR, Access: Read/Write, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE

A driver supporting the WIA_DPS_ENDORSER_STRING property must support the following list of tokens.

Token Description
$DATE$ The date in the form YYYY/MM/DD.
$DAY$ The day in the form DD.
$MONTH$ The month of the year in the form MM.
$PAGE_COUNT$ The number of pages transferred.
$TIME$ The time of day in the form HH:MM:SS.
$YEAR$ The year in the form YYYY.



Reserved, do not use.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE


This property is supported only on Windows Vista and later.


Contains the SOAP address of a web services scanner device. The WIA 2.0 mini-driver creates and maintains this property.

Type: VT_BSTR, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE


This property is not supported with Windows Vista and later.


Contains the registration, or horizontal alignment, for documents placed on the flatbed. The minidriver creates and maintains this property.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE

The following table has the three constants that are valid with this property.

Constant Description
LEFT_JUSTIFIED The paper is left justified.
CENTERED The paper is centered.
RIGHT_JUSTIFIED The paper is right justified.


See Also



This property is not supported with Windows Vista and later. Use WIA_IPS_MAX_HORIZONTAL_SIZE.


Specifies the maximum width, in thousandths of an inch, that is scanned in the horizontal (X) axis from the platen of a flatbed scanner at the current resolution. This property also applies to automatic document feeders that move sheets to the platen of a flatbed scanner for scanning. This property is mandatory for scanners that have a platen. Other scanner types will instead implement the WIA_DPS_HORIZONTAL_SHEET_FEED_SIZE property.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE


This property is not supported with Windows Vista and later. Use WIA_IPS_MAX_HORIZONTAL_SIZE.


Specifies the maximum width, in thousandths of an inch, that is scanned in the horizontal (X) axis from a handheld or sheet feed scanner at the current resolution. This property also applies to automatic document feeders that scan without moving sheets to the platen of a flatbed scanner. This property is mandatory for sheet-fed, scroll-fed, and hand-held scanners.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE


Contains the maximum time to scan a single page with the current property settings, in milliseconds. An application reads this property to estimate the time it will take to scan a page. This is helpful when determining the conditions of a device that has stopped responding. The minidriver creates and maintains this property. This property is required for all scanners.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE


This property is not supported with Windows Vista and later. Use WIA_IPS_MIN_HORIZONTAL_SIZE.


Contains the physical horizontal dimensions of the smallest page that the scanner's document feeder can scan, in thousandths of an inch. The minidriver creates and maintains this property.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE

See Also



This property is not supported with Windows Vista and later. Use WIA_IPS_MIN_VERTICAL_SIZE.


Contains the physical vertical dimensions of the smallest page that the scanner's document feeder can scan, in thousandths of an inch. The minidriver creates and maintains this property.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE

See Also



This property is not supported by Windows Vista. Use WIA_IPS_OPTICAL_XRES.


Horizontal Optical Resolution. Highest supported horizontal optical resolution in DPI. This property is a single value. This is not a list of all resolutions that can be generated by the device. Rather, this is the resolution of the device's optics. The minidriver creates and maintains this property. This property is required for all scanners.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE


This property is not supported by Windows Vista. Use WIA_IPS_OPTICAL_YRES.


Vertical Optical Resolution. Highest supported vertical optical resolution in DPI. This property is a single value. This is not a list of all resolutions that are generated by the device. Rather, this is the resolution of the device's optics. The minidriver creates and maintains this property. This property is required for all scanners.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE


Contains the current orientation setting.The minidriver creates and maintains this property.

An application sets the WIA_DPS_ORIENTATION property to define the original orientation of a page or image to be acquired. For information on how to use WIA_DPS_ORIENTATION, see WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read/Write, Valid values: WIA_PROP_LIST

The following table has the four constants that are valid with this property.

Value Defination
LANDSCAPE 90-degree counter-clockwise rotation, relative to the PORTRAIT orientation.
PORTRAIT 0 degrees.
ROT180 180-degree counter-clockwise rotation, relative to the PORTRAIT orientation.
ROT270 270-degree counter-clockwise rotation, relative to the PORTRAIT orientation.


See Also



Color used to pad when there is not enough image data to fill a requested buffer. This property is implemented for scanners that pad the buffer. This property is optional for all scanners. The minidriver creates and maintains this property.

Type: VT_UI1 | VT_VECTOR, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE

The format of the color information is RGBQUAD.


This property is not supported by Windows Vista. Use WIA_IPS_PAGE_HEIGHT.


Contains the height, in thousandths of an inch, of the currently selected page. The minidriver creates and maintains the WIA_DPS_PAGE_HEIGHT property. An application reads this property to determine the physical dimensions of the page being scanned. If the extent settings are different from the known page sizes, this property reports the height of the page whose WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE property is set to WIA_PAGE_CUSTOM (which is a value of the WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE property). WIA_DPS_PAGE_HEIGHT must be in sync with WIA_IPS_XEXTENT, which reports the height, in pixels, of the page to be scanned.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE


This property is not supported by Windows Vista. Use WIA_IPS_PAGE_SIZE.


Contains the size of the page that is currently selected to be scanned. To select the dimensions of the page to scan, an application sets this property. The minidriver creates and maintains this property.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read/Write, Valid values: WIA_PROP_LIST

The following table has the three constants that are valid with this property.

Value Definition
WIA_PAGE_A4 8267 X 11692 (PORTRAIT orientation)
WIA_PAGE_CUSTOM Defined by the values of the WIA_DPS_PAGE_HEIGHT and WIA_DPS_PAGE_WIDTH properties
WIA_PAGE_LETTER 8500 X 11000 (PORTRAIT orientation)


The value of the WIA_IPS_ORIENTATION property determines the orientation of the currently selected page. The WIA_DPS_PAGE_WIDTH and WIA_DPS_PAGE_HEIGHT properties report the page's dimensions, in thousandths of an inch. Note that these properties must be in agreement with WIA_IPS_XEXTENT and WIA_IPS_YEXTENT, which contain the page's dimensions in pixels. Valid values of type WIA_PROP_LIST should depend on valid settings of the WIA_IPS_ORIENTATION property. If the device cannot scan landscape-oriented documents with a WIA_PAGE_A4 setting, WIA_PAGE_A4 should not appear in the list of valid values for the WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE property when WIA_IPS_ORIENTATION is set to LANSCAPE.

If an application sets WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE to any value other than WIA_PAGE_CUSTOM, the minidriver should adjust the values of WIA_DPS_PAGE_WIDTH and WIA_DPS_PAGE_HEIGHT to the page's dimensions in thousandths of an inch. It should also adjust the values of WIA_IPS_XEXTENT and WIA_IPS_YEXTENT to the page's dimensions in pixels.

If an extent setting (WIA_IPS_XEXTENT or WIA_IPS_YEXTENT) is changed to a value that does not match the current page-size setting, the minidriver should change the value of the WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE property to WIA_PAGE_CUSTOM. The minidriver should also modify WIA_DPS_PAGE_WIDTH or WIA_DPS_PAGE_HEIGHT in accordance with the new extent setting.

If WIA_IPS_ORIENTATION is set to LANSCAPE, the extent settings will be "flipped." For example, if an application sets WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE to WIA_PAGE_A4, the minidriver should set WIA_DPS_PAGE_WIDTH to 11692 and WIA_DPS_PAGE_HEIGHT to 8267. (The minidriver should also set WIA_IPS_XEXTENT and WIA_IPS_YEXTENT accordingly.) Note that if WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE is set to WIA_PAGE_CUSTOM, the orientation setting is not used to determine the extent dimensions of the page to be scanned.

The minidriver is responsible for ensuring that the WIA_IPS_ORIENTATION property is in agreement with the current selection area. If an application changes the value of WIA_IPS_ORIENTATION to one that is invalid for the currently selected page size, the minidriver should change the value of WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE to a page size that is supported by the new orientation value.

If an application sets the WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE property to WIA_PAGE_CUSTOM, the current selection area is not affected. The WIA minidriver should obtain the current image layout, starting from the current settings of the WIA_IPS_XPOS and WIA_IPS_YPOS properties. If the page-size setting results in a selection area that is outside the scanner's bed, the minidriver must automatically adjust the values of the WIA_IPS_XPOS and WIA_IPS_YPOS properties to valid settings. If the WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE and WIA_IPS_ORIENTATION properties are set at the same time, and they are invalid when applied in combination, the minidriver should fail the application's settings by returning an error in the IWiaMiniDrv::drvValidateItemProperties. .

The following four examples show different WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE scenarios.

  1. The driver reports the settings.
  2. An application sets the WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE property to WIA_PAGE_LETTER.
  3. An application sets the WIA_IPS_ORIENTATION property to LANSCAPE.
  4. An application changes the WIA_IPS_XEXTENT property to a smaller value.

Example 1: The minidriver reports the settings

In the following example, the minidriver sets a custom selection area before an application sets any WIA properties. In this case, the selection area represents the entire flatbed.


Example 2: An application sets the WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE  property to WIA_PAGE_LETTER


Example 3: An application sets the WIA_IPS_ORIENTATION  property to LANSCAPE

The physical bed must be able to acquire a page that was originally in landscape orientation.


Example 4: An application changes the WIA_IPS_XEXTENT  property to a smaller value

In the following example, an application changes the WIA_IPS_XEXTENT property to 1000. The minidriver should assume that the new value contained in WIA_IPS_XEXTENT is no longer valid for the WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE property and should thus change WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE to WIA_PAGE_CUSTOM. The minidriver must also adjust WIA_DPS_PAGE_WIDTH.


This property is not supported by Windows Vista. Use WIA_IPS_PAGE_WIDTH.


Contains the width of the current page selected, in thousandths of an inch. An application reads this property to determine the physical dimensions of the page being scanned. If the extent settings are different from known page sizes, this property reports the width of the page whose WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE property is set to WIA_PAGE_CUSTOM. WIA_DPS_PAGE_WIDTH must be in sync with the value of WIA_IPS_XEXTENT, which reports the width, in pixels, of the page to be scanned. The minidriver creates and maintains this property.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE


This property is not supported by Windows Vista. Use WIA_IPS_PAGES.


Contains the current number of pages to be acquired from an automatic document feeder. The minidriver creates and maintains this property.

Type: VT_I4; Access: Read/Write; Valid values: WIA_PROP_RANGE (zero through the maximum number of pages that the document feeder can hold)

An application reads this property to determine the document feeder's page capacity. The application also sets this property to the number of pages it is going to scan.

If duplex mode is enabled (WIA_DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT is set to FEEDER | DUPLEX ), WIA_DPS_PAGES is still equal to the number of pages to scan.


One sheet of paper will automatically contain two pages if DUPLEX is enabled, even if the back side of the page is blank.

Setting WIA_DPS_PAGES to 1 causes a scanner to process one of the sides of the page. It is recommended that if a scanner is unable to scan only one side of a page while in duplex mode, the WIA_DPS_PAGES valid value for the Inc member of the WIA_PROPERTY_INFO structure should be changed to 2. This value signals the application that it must request pages in multiples of two. A value of zero means that all pages that are currently loaded into the document feeder are to be scanned.


Specifies the color of the platen in back of the sheet to be scanned. This property is optional for scanners that have a platen. The minidriver creates and maintains this property.

Type: VT_UI1 | VT_VECTOR, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE

The format of the color information is RGBQUAD.


This property is not supported by Windows Vista. Use WIA_IPS_PREVIEW.


Indicates the preview mode for a device. An application sets this property to place the device into a preview mode.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read/Write, Valid values: WIA_PROP_LIST

The following table has the two constants that are valid with this property.

Value Definition
WIA_FINAL_SCAN The application will perform a final scan.
WIA_PREVIEW_SCAN The application will perform a preview scan.



Contains a value that indicates whether the scanner will cache pages in a scanner buffer before sending them to the application.

A value of zero disables scan ahead and no pages will be scanned ahead. Doing normal data transfers on the buffered scan-ahead item retrieves the buffered pages. WIA properties cannot be changed during a scan-ahead operation. This property is optional.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read/Write, Valid values: WIA_PROP_RANGE of zero to the maximum number of pages that the document feeder can hold.


This property is supported only by Windows 7 and later.


Indicates the input source (flatbed, automatic document feeder, or fil-scanning adapter) to scan from, or the storage location to transfer data from.

A scan event notifies the application that the user has initiated a scan, but the event does not supply the name of the WIA item that represents the input source. The application's event handler can query the root item's WIA_DPS_SCAN_AVAILABLE_ITEM property to get the name of the input source item.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read/Write, Valid values: WIA_PROP_RANGE of zero to the maximum number of pages that the document feeder can hold.


This property is supported only by Windows Vista and later.


Contains the Service ID of a Web Services scanner device. The WIA 2.0 mini-driver creates and maintains this property.

Type: VT_BSTR, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE


This property is not supported with Windows Vista and later. Use WIA_IPS_SHEET_FEEDER_REGISTRATION.


Contains the registration, or alignment and edge detection, for documents that are placed on the flatbed. The minidriver creates and maintains this property. This property indicates how the sheet is horizontally positioned on the scanning head of a handheld or sheet-fed scanner. The property is used to predict where across the scan head a document is placed.

For scanners that support more than one scan head, this property is relative to the topmost scan head. This property is mandatory for sheet-fed, scroll-fed, and handheld scanners.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE

The following table has the three constants that are valid with this property.

Constant Description
LEFT_JUSTIFIED The sheet is positioned to the left with respect to the scanning head.
CENTERED The sheet is centered on the scanning head.
RIGHT_JUSTIFIED The sheet is positioned to the right with respect to the scanning head.



This property is not supported by Windows Vista. Use WIA_IPS_SHOW_PREVIEW_CONTROL.


Indicates whether an item needs a preview control displayed to the user. The minidriver creates and maintains this property.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE

The following table has the two constants that are valid with this property.

Constant Description
WIA_SHOW_PREVIEW_CONTROL Show a preview control to the user, because this device can perform a preview.
WIA_DONT_SHOW_PREVIEW_CONTROL Do not show a preview control to the user, because this device cannot perform a preview.



This property is supported only by Windows Vista and later.


Used by the WIA service to inform the mini-driver about the user account name (including the network domain name when applicable) of the session in which the current WIA application is running.

This is a root item property, managed by the WIA service.

Type: VT_BSTR, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE


This property is not supported with Windows Vista and later.


Contains the registration, or vertical alignment and edge detection, for documents placed on the flatbed. The minidriver creates and maintains this property.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE

The following table has the three constants that are valid with this property..

Constant Description
TOP_JUSTIFIED The paper is top justified.
CENTERED The paper is centered.
BOTTOM_JUSTIFIED The paper is bottom justified.


See Also.



This property is not supported with Windows Vista and later. Use WIA_IPS_MAX_VERTICAL_SIZE.


Specifies the maximum height, in thousandths of an inch, that is scanned in the vertical (Y) axis from the platen of a flatbed scanner at the current resolution. This property also applies to automatic document feeders, that move sheets to the platen of a flatbed scanner for scanning. This property is mandatory for scanners that have a platen. Other scanner types will instead implement the WIA_DPS_VERTICAL_SHEET_FEED_SIZE property.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE


This property is not supported with Windows Vista and later. Use WIA_IPS_MAX_VERTICAL_SIZE.


Specifies the maximum height, in thousandths of an inch, that is scanned in the vertical (Y) axis from a handheld or sheet feed scanner at the current resolution. This property also applies to automatic document feeders that scan without moving sheets to the platen of a flatbed scanner. This property is mandatory for sheet-fed scanners. Scroll-fed and hand-held scanners should not implement this property.

Type: VT_I4, Access: Read Only, Valid values: WIA_PROP_NONE


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]