Partager via

Committing a Data Collector Set

To commit a data collector set, you must call the IDataCollectorSet::Commit method. This method can be used to save a new set, update an existing set, flush a trace session, or validate the property values of the set.

To delete a data collector set that has been saved, call the IDataCollectorSet::Delete method.

The following example shows how to commit a new data collector set. This example builds on the example in Creating a Data Collector Set.

HRESULT SaveDCS(IDataCollectorSet* pdcs)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    IValueMap* pValidation = NULL;
    IEnumVARIANT* pItems = NULL;
    IValueMapItem* pItem = NULL;
    IUnknown* punk = NULL;
    _bstr_t bstrName = L"Service\\CreateDcs";
    VARIANT var;
    VARIANT vHResult;
    long count = 0;
    BSTR bstr = NULL;
    BOOL fErrorsExists = FALSE;

    // Save the data collector set to the local computer using the specified name. 
    // The set is named 'CreateDcs' and is saved in the 'Service' namespace. If the set
    // exists in the namespace, update the set with the contents of this instance.
    // The method returns the validation results. You need to check the validation 
    // results regardless of the return value of the method.
    hr = pdcs->Commit(bstrName, NULL, plaCreateOrModify, &pValidation);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf(L"pdcs->Commit failed, 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto cleanup;

    // Check the validation results. The results can contain both
    // warnings and errors.
    if (pValidation)
        hr = pValidation->get_Count(&count);
        wprintf(L"%ld validation errors:\n\n", count);

        if (count > 0)
            // You can use either the _NewEnum collection or the Count
            // and Item properties to iterate through the results. This
            // example uses the _NewEnum collection.
            hr = pValidation->get__NewEnum(&punk);

            hr = punk->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IEnumVARIANT), (void**)&pItems);

            while (S_OK == (hr = pItems->Next(1, &var, NULL)))
                // Get the value map item; the item contains the validation error
                // or warning. The result is a warning if the item's value is
                // a success code; otherwise, the result is an error.
                var.punkVal->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IValueMapItem), (void**)&pItem);

                // Get the description of the error.
                hr = pItem->get_Description(&bstr);
                wprintf(L"Description: %s", bstr);

                // Get the XPath of the element in error.
                hr = pItem->get_Key(&bstr);
                wprintf(L"Key: %s\n", bstr);

                // Determine if the result is an error or warning.  
                hr = pItem->get_Value(&vHResult);
                wprintf(L"hr: 0x%x\n", vHResult.ulVal);
                wprintf(L"Considered %s\n\n", (SUCCEEDED(vHResult.ulVal)) ? L"a warning" : L"an error");
                if (FAILED(vHResult.lVal))
                    fErrorsExists = TRUE;




    if (fErrorsExists)
        hr = E_FAIL;

    return hr;