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Windows Mail Messaging Reference

This documentation provides messaging-related information about the set of interfaces for objects related to Windows Mail (formerly Outlook Express).

New applications should not use this set of interfaces and schemas. These interfaces and schemas exist for backward compatibility with legacy applications. These interfaces and schemas will be unavailable in the future.


Topic Contents
IFontCache Do not use. Provides methods to operate on the system font cache.
IFontCacheNotify Do not use. Supplies methods used by OnOptionChange.
IHashTable Do not use. Provides a table of unique identifying names. Also provides the methods to operate on those table entries.
IMimeAddressTable Do not use. Manipulates a collection of message recipients (for example, addresses). The address table is used to manipulate the address-type properties on an IMimePropertySet object. Addresses are stored as part of the RFC 822 or RFC 1521 message header.
IMimeAddressTableW Do not use. Manipulates a collection of message recipients, such as addresses. The address table is used to manipulate the address-type properties on an IMimePropertySet object. Addresses are stored as part of the RFC 822 or RFC 1521 message header. The methods of IMimeAddressTableW support Unicode.
IMimeAllocator Do not use. Provides utilities that allow a client to free resources associated with MimeOLE object types.
IMimeBody Do not use. Manipulates the header and contents of a message body.
IMimeBodyW Do not use. Manipulates the header and contents of a message body. The methods of IMimeBodyW support Unicode.
IMimeEditTag Do not use. Supports MHTML packager objects.
IMimeEditTagCollection Do not use. Collection of IMimeEditTag objects.
IMimeEnumAddressTypes Do not use. Enumerates the items in an IMimeAddressTable object.
IMimeEnumHeaderRows Do not use. This interface is used to enumerate the headers in a message or a message body. A client can obtain an IMimeEnumHeaderRows by calling EnumRows.
IMimeEnumMessageParts Do not use. Enumerates the partial messages contained inside of an IMimeMessageParts object.
IMimeEnumProperties Do not use. Enumerates the items in an IMimePropertySet object.
IMimeHeaderTable Do not use. Manipulates the rows in a message header or a body header.
IMimeInternational Do not use. Performs character-set conversions and queries information about character sets and codepages.
IMimeMessage Do not use. Creates and manipulates messages.
IMimeMessageCallback Do not use. This interface is implemented by the client and allows it to modify the way MimeOLE renders a message by inserting streams between message parts. A client passes a pointer to its implementation of this interface when calling CreateWebPage.
IMimeMessageParts Do not use. Manages a partial message collection.
IMimeMessageTree Do not use. Parses and creates Internet messages. IMimeMessageTree treats a message as a tree of bodies where each body has a header and associated content. It gives a client the most flexible, low-level access to a message.
IMimeMessageW Do not use. Creates and manipulates messages. The methods of IMimeMessageW support Unicode.
IMimeObjResolver Do not use. Called by the MimeOleObjectFromMoniker function.
IMimePropertySchema Do not use. Manipulates MimeOLE's global property schema.
IMimePropertySet Do not use. Manages an Internet message header or body header. This interface allows a client to manipulate a header as a collection of properties.
IMimeSecurity Do not use. Encodes and decodes messages using Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME).
IMimeSecurity2 Do not use. Encodes and decodes message bodies using S/MIME version 3.
IMimeSecurityCallback Do not use.
IMimeWebDocument Do not use. This interface is implemented by the client and is used to provide a data source for Web-related documents. A client can use this interface to attach Web documents to a message object by calling AttachObject. This interface can also be used when calling SetData.
IPersistMime Do not use. It provides methods for loading and saving messages.


Topic Contents
ADDRESSFORMAT Do not use. Used by the GetFormat method to specify the format of a text-based representation of an address string.
BODYLOCATION Do not use. Specifies the location of a message body in an IMimeMessageTree object.
CERTDATAID Do not use. Used to identify a request by GetCertData.
CERTNAMETYPE Do not use. Specifies the returned string type. Each value maps to an equivalent value for the dwStrType parameter of the CertNameToStr function.
CERTSTATE Do not use. Defines the state of a certificate in secure messaging.
CHARSETTYPE Do not use. Defines the types of character sets that are associated with a code page ID.
CSETAPPLYTYPE Do not use. Indicates how a character set is to be applied to an object.
ENCODINGTYPE Do not use. Specifies how something is encoded or intended to be encoded.
FNTSYSTYPE Do not use. Enumeration of system font types.
HEADERTABLEFLAGS Do not use. Used to control how various methods in the IMimeHeaderTable interface work.
IMSGBODYTYPE Do not use. Indicates message body types for verification.
IMSGFLAGS Do not use. Describes the contents of an IMimeMessageTree object.
IMSGPRIORITY Do not use. Represents the priority of a message.
INETLANGMASK Do not use. Specifies the validity of a member of the CODEPAGEINFO structure.
MIMEPROPFLAGS Do not use. Defines aspects of a MimeOLE property.
MIMESAVETYPE Do not use. Indicates how an object should be persisted.
PROPINFOMASK Do not use. Specifies the validity of a member of the MIMEPROPINFO structure.
RELOADTYPE Do not use. Affects how an IMimePropertySet is initialized when IMimePropertySet::Load is called consecutive times without calling IMimeMessageTree::InitNew.


Topic Contents
ADDRESSLIST Do not use. Holds a list of ADDRESSPROPS structures.
ADDRESSPROPS Do not use. Holds information about a message sender or recipient for example, a message address.
BODYOFFSETS Do not use. Holds information about the byte offsets for a body.
CMS_CTRL_DECRYPT_INFO Do not use. A union that contains key transport message recipient information, key agreement recipient information, or mail list message recipient information.
CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO Do not use. Contains key information for an encrypted message recipient.
CODEPAGEINFO Do not use. Holds information about a code page. A client can use an IMimeInternational object to look up a CODEPAGEINFO for a given CODEPAGEID.
ENUMHEADERROW Do not use. Used by the IMimeEnumHeaderRows interface to enumerate the rows in an IMimeHeaderTable object.
ENUMPROPERTY Do not use. Used by the IMimeEnumProperties interface to enumerate the properties in an IMimePropertySet object.
FINDBODY Do not use. Used to iterate through the message bodies in an IMimeMessageTree object.
FINDHEADER Do not use. Defines how an IMimeHeaderTable object iterates through rows.
HEADERROWINFO Do not use. Holds information about a row in an IMimeHeaderTable object.
INETCSETINFO Do not use. Holds information about a character set. A client can use an IMimeInternational object to look up an INETCSETINFO for an HCHARSET.
MIMEPARAMINFO Do not use. Holds the name and value of a MIME parameter.
MIMEPROPINFO Do not use. Holds information about a property in an IMimePropertySet object.
RFC1522INFO Do not use. Holds information about RFC 1522 encoding. Various members of this structure are used in calls to DecodeHeader and EncodeHeader.
TRANSMITINFO Do not use. Holds transmission information about a message body.
WEBPAGEOPTIONS Do not use. Holds the options that affect the behavior of the CreateWebPage method.
X509CERTRESULT Do not use. Enumerates certificates and their associated states.


Topic Contents
CoCreateOutlookExpress Do not use. Returns an instance of Microsoft Outlook Express.
CoStartOutlookExpress Do not use. Starts Outlook Express.
MimeOleAlgNameFromSMimeCap Do not use. Obtains algorithm name from supplied S/MIME capabilities array.
MimeOleAlgStrengthFromSMimeCap Do not use. Used to obtain the bit strength of an encryption algorithm.
MimeOleClearDirtyTree Do not use. Clears dirty tree flag and any dirty body flags for the specified message tree object.
MimeOleCombineURL Do not use. On success, combines base and relative URL.
MimeOleContentTypeFromUrl Do not use. Returns the Content-Type for the specified URL.
MimeOleConvertEnrichedToHTML Do not use. Converts text/enriched to text/html.
MimeOleCreateBody Do not use. On success, creates a new message body.
MimeOleCreateByteStream Do not use. Creates a new byte stream.
MimeOleCreateHashTable Do not use. On success, creates and initializes a hash table.
MimeOleCreateHeaderTable Do not use. On success, creates and initializes a header table.
MimeOleCreateMessage Do not use. On success, creates and initializes a message.
MimeOleCreateMessageParts Do not use. On success, creates and initializes a message parts.
MimeOleCreateMessageTree Do not use. On success, creates and initializes a message tree.
MimeOleCreatePropertySet Do not use. On success, creates a new property set object.
MimeOleCreateSecurity Do not use. On success, creates a new S/MIME object.
MimeOleCreateVirtualStream Do not use. Creates a new virtual stream.
MimeOleCreateWebDocument Do not use. On success, creates and initializes a new Web document.
MimeOleDecodeHeader Do not use. Decodes a message header string.
MimeOleEncodeHeader Do not use. Encodes a message header string.
MimeOleEscapeString Do not use. Adds escape character ('\') to otherwise-invalid characters, such as backslash, quote and parens, in supplied zero-terminated string.
MimeOleFileTimeToInetDate Do not use. Creates an internet date from a specified file time. Output is in RFC822 format: "ddd, dd mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss +/- hhmm\0", such as "Tue, 21 Jan 1997 18:25:40 GMT".
MimeOleFindCharset Do not use. On success, finds handle of specified character set.
MimeOleGenerateCID Do not use. Creates a content ID as a string.
MimeOleGenerateFileName Do not use. On success, creates a file name.
MimeOleGenerateMID Do not use. Creates a message ID as a string.
MimeOleGetAllocator Do not use. Creates a new IMimeAllocator object.
MimeOleGetAlternativeSection Do not use. Returns handle to the first body in the message tree that has the alternative content type. Also returns whether other instances were found.
MimeOleGetBodyPropA Do not use. Gets the value of a property for a specified body.
MimeOleGetBodyPropW Do not use. Gets the value of a property for a specified body as Unicode.
MimeOleGetCertsFromThumbprints Do not use. Given a set of thumbprints, returns an equivalent set of certificates.
MimeOleGetCharsetInfo Do not use. Gets information about the specified character set.
MimeOleGetCodePageCharset Do no use. Finds a character set for the specified code page.
MimeOleGetCodePageInfo Do not use. Returns a specified CODEPAGEINFO struct.
MimeOleGetContentTypeExt Do not use. Returns the file name extension for a supplied content type.
MimeOleGetDefaultCharset Do not use. Returns the default charset.
MimeOleGetExtClassId Do not use. On success, returns the class ID for a given file name extension string.
MimeOleGetExtContentType Do not use. Returns the Content-Type of the specified file name extension.
MimeOleGetExtContentTypeW Do not use. Returns the Content-Type of the specified Unicode file name extension string.
MimeOleGetFileExtension Do not use. Gets the file name extension for the specified file.
MimeOleGetFileInfo Do not use. Returns file information for a supplied file path string.
MimeOleGetFileInfoW Do not use. Returns file information for a supplied Unicode file path string.
MimeOleGetInternat Do not use. Returns an interface used to perform character-set conversions and query information about character sets and codepages.
MimeOleGetMixedSection Do not use. Returns a handle to the first body in the message tree that has the mixed content type. Also returns whether other instances were found. If mixed content type is not found, method argument specifies whether it should be created.
MimeOleGetPropA Do not use. Gets the value of the specified property.
MimeOleGetPropertySchema Do not use. Returns an interface used to manipulate MimeOLE's global property schema.
MimeOleGetPropW Do not use. Gets the Unicode value of the specified property.
MimeOleGetRelatedSection Do not use. Returns handle to the first body in the message tree that has the related content type. Also returns whether other instances were found. If related content type is not found, method argument specifies whether it should be created.
MimeOleGetSubjectFileName Do not use. Returns E_FAIL.
MimeOleInetDateToFileTime Do not use. On success, creates a file time from a specified Internet date. Input is in RFC822 format: "ddd, dd mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss +/- hhmm\0", such as "Tue, 21 Jan 1997 18:25:40 GMT". On failure, created file time defaults to current system time.
MimeOleIsEnrichedStream Do not use. Checks whether stream is enriched, as indicated by existence of "c_szXRich" in stream.
MimeOleIsTnefStream Do not use. Reads the first four bytes to determine whether data stream is Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF).
MimeOleMergePartialHeaders Do not use. Merges partial headers. The resulting stream should contain the headers for the first message (using normal RFC822 rules), then a blank line, and then the headers for the second message (again following RFC822 rules).
MimeOleObjectFromMoniker Do not use. Creates a new message object and loads its state from the supplied moniker.
MimeOleObjectFromUrl Do not use. Creates a new message object and loads its state from the supplied URL (on success).
MimeOleOpenFileStream Do not use. Opens or, if non-existing, creates a file stream with specified read/write properties.
MimeOleParseMhtmlUrl Do not use. On success, supplied MHTML URL is parsed into root and body.
MimeOleParseRfc822Address Do not use. Parses the specified address string (on success).
MimeOleParseRfc822AddressW Do not use. Parses the specified RFC 822 address string.
MimeOleQueryString Do not use. Queries a specified string for a qualified match.
MimeOleRfc1522Decode Do not use. Decodes an RFC 1522 encoded string and, if found, stores the name of the character set contained in the encoded string.
MimeOleRfc1522Encode Do not use. Encodes a string using RFC 1522 format.
MimeOleSetBodyPropA Do not use. Sets the value of a property for a specified body.
MimeOleSetBodyPropW Do not use. Sets the value of a property for a specified body.
MimeOleSetCompatMode Do not use. Sets the MIMEOLE compatibility mode.
MimeOleSetDefaultCharset Do not use. Sets default character set to the specified value (on success).
MimeOleSetPropA Do not use. Sets the value of the specified property.
MimeOleSetPropW Do not use. Sets the Unicode value of the specified property.
MimeOleSMimeCapAddCert Do not use. Sets a passed-in cookie with a flag indicating the encryption algorithm to be used.
MimeOleSMimeCapAddSMimeCap Do not use. Receives an array of CRYPT_SMIME_CAPABILITIES allocated by MimeOleSMimeCapInit and returns a cookie flagged with a filtered list of available algorithms. See wincrypt.h.
MimeOleSMimeCapGetEncAlg Do not use. Encodes an object of a specified size, using the best encryption algorithm flagged in the cookie. On success, returns the number of bits used for the encryption.
MimeOleSMimeCapGetHashAlg Do not use. Encodes an object of specified size using the best hash algorithm flagged in the cookie. On success, returns the number of bits used for the hash signing.
MimeOleSMimeCapInit Do not use. Returns an equivalent of the cookie returned by MimeOleSMimeCapAddSMimeCap when an array of CRYPT_SMIME_CAPABILITIES is passed in; otherwise, the function attempts to match MimeOle encryption capabilities to a Microsoft-enhanced provider (CryptoAPI), and flags matching algorithms in the returned cookie.
MimeOleSMimeCapRelease Do not use. Clears allocated capabilities memory.
MimeOleSMimeCapsFromDlg Do not use. Reads a combo box of encryption algorithm IDs (Using the handle passed in), to select a default encryption algorithm and reads a combo box of signature algorithm IDs to select a default signing algorithm. A list of capabilities for each is built from the combo box items. Without combo boxes, the defaults are 40-bit RC2 and SHA-1. Optionally, if a checkbox with a blob item ID is checked, the capabilities list is generated as a blob. The results are used to encode an S/MIME capabilities array object of the specified size.
MimeOleSMimeCapsFull Do not use. Builds a list of encryption capabilities (if all encryption algorithms are to be supported) from the passed-in cookie, or defaults to 40-bit RC2. Similarly, if all signature algorithms are to be supported, builds a list of signing capabilities from the cookie, or defaults to SHA-1. The results are used to encode an S/MIME capabilities array object of the specified size.
MimeOleSMimeCapsToDlg Do not use. Outputs supplied S/MIME capabilities to supplied dialog.
MimeOleSplitMessage Do not use. Splits message into a collection of parts, as determined by a specified maximum part size.
MimeOleStripHeaders Do not use. Strips and adds a message header.
MimeOleUnEscapeStringInPlace Do not use. Removes escape character ('\') from any backslash, quote, and parens characters in supplied zero-terminated string. Remaining characters move left in array.
MimeOleVariantCopy Do not use. Copies memory pointed to by the source variant and allocates new memory for the destination variant.
MimeOleVariantFree Do not use. Frees any memory pointed to by the variant.


Topic Contents
CODEPAGEID Do not use. DWORD that identifies a code page. MimeOLE defines a few constants for commonly-used code page IDs.