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Get started

For this release of the Rights Management SDK 4.2, your quick start approach to a first application is through the development environment setup guides for each of the operating systems / platforms.

Begin creating your rights enabled application:

1. **Download the SDK package** for your target operating system using the following table of links.
Android SDK
Linux / C++ SDK available on Github as an open source project
Windows Phone
Windows Store Applications
  1. Proceed to the setup guide for your operating system.
    The setup guides walk you through configuring up your development environment for creating your own based apps.
Setup guide
Android setup
iOS and OS X setup
Linux setup
Windows Phone
Windows Store Applications
  1. Check out the SDK overview map.
  2. For important release notes and developer guidance, see the What's new topic.

In this section

What's new

RMS SDK 4.2 takes RMS application enablement to a new level of ease and flexibility.

Setup developer environment

The following topics show you have to setup you your development environment to work with the AD RMS SDK APIs for your particular operating system.

Code examples

RMS SDK 4.2 includes example code and working projects for some supported operating systems.

Community resources

Active Directory Rights Management Services is well supported by a growing community of developers on multiple platforms.