Partager via


Converts raw SQL data types into OLEDB types.


virtual STDMETHODIMP OLEDBdataFromSQLdata (
   WORD wSrcType,
   DBLENGTH cbSrcLength,
   BYTE bSrcPrecision,
   BYTE bSrcScale,
   void * pSrc,
   DBSTATUS dbsSrcStatus,
   DBTYPE wDstType,
   DBLENGTH cbDstMaxLength,
   BYTE bDstPrecision,
   BYTE bDstScale,
   void * pDst,
   DBLENGTH * pcbDstLength,
   DBSTATUS * pdbsStatus
   ) = 0;


  • wSrcType
    [In] SQL data type.

  • cbSrcLength
    [In] Size of source data.

  • bSrcPrecision
    [In] Precision to use for source.

  • bSrcScale
    [In] Scale to use for source.

  • pSrc
    [In] Pointer to source data.

  • dbsSrcStatus
    [In] Source data status.

  • wDstType
    [In] OLEDB data type.

  • cbDstMaxLength
    [In] Maximum size of output buffer.

  • bDstPrecision
    [In] Precision to use for destination.

  • bDstScale
    [In] Scale to use for destination.

  • pDst
    [Out] Pointer to output data.

  • pcbDstLength
    [Out] Pointer to size of output data.

  • pdbsStatus
    [Out] Pointer to output data status.


ISQLXMLHelper should only be used by Microsoft internal applications.

See Also
