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Microsoft Speech API 5.3


SPWORDPRONUNCIATION is used by ISpLexicon for words with possible variations in pronunciation. SPWORDPRONUNCIATION contains a single pronunciation for a word.

    typedef struct SPWORDPRONUNCIATION
    struct SPWORDPRONUNCIATION   *pNextWordPronunciation;
SPLEXICONTYPE                 eLexiconType;
    LANGID                        LangID;
    WORD                          wPronunciationFlags;
SPPARTOFSPEECH                ePartOfSpeech;
    SPPHONEID                     szPronunciation[1];


  • pNextWordPronunciation
    Pointer to the next possible pronunciation. May be NULL.
  • eLexiconType
    Flag of type SPLEXICONTYPE indicating which lexicon this pronunciation and part of speech was obtained from.
  • LangID
    The language identifier.
  • wPronunciationFlags
    Replaces the previous wReserved field and is a bit field defined by SPPRONUNCIATIONFLAGS.
  • ePartOfSpeech
    The part of speech used by this particular variation.
  • szPronunciation[1]
    This is a null-terminated array of SPPHONID elements defining the pronunciation. It runs off the end of the SPWORDPRONUNCIATION structure and is part of data buffer in the containing SPWORDPRONUNCIATIONLIST structure.