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clipboard format

Format of data on the clipboard. A clipboard format is identified by a unique unsigned integer value. In MMC, clipboard formats are used for data transfer between MMC and snap-ins and between multiple snap-ins. Snap-ins register the clipboard formats that they support by using the RegisterClipboardFormat Windows API.

CLSID (class identifier)

For COM. In MMC, a globally unique identifier (GUID) associated with a snap-in's primary object. Each snap-in (stand-alone and extension) must register its CLSID in the system registry so that MMC can locate the snap-in and load it in the console when it is required.

code window

Window in the Snap-in Designer for Visual Basic in which snap-in developers write code for handling events during runtime.

column configuration data

Used with column persistence. Refers to the persisted column customization and sorting parameters that MMC stores in memory when the user customizes a list view column.

column filtering

For MMC 1.2. A feature, in which a list view can be displayed in filtered mode.

column header

Used in a Visual Basic snap-in to represent an object that defines the properties of a list view column displayed in detail or filtered mode.

column persistence

For MMC 1.2. A feature that persists column customization and sorting parameters as the user moves between scope items in the scope pane.

MMC also allows snap-ins to view and modify persisted column customization and sorting parameters (also called column configuration data) by using the IColumnData interface.

column set

Used with column persistence. A set of columns inserted in the result pane by a snap-in when the user selects a scope item in the snap-in.

column set ID

Used with column persistence. Uniquely identifies a column set and its column configuration data. MMC persists column configuration data per column set, per view, per snap-in instance.

Completion page

Last page of a Wizard97-style wizard. The Completion page typically has a bitmap image, called a watermark, to convey a specific message to the user. This is the same watermark image that is used in the Wizard97-style wizard Welcome page.

Component Object Model (COM)

Architecture for defining interfaces and interaction among objects implemented by varying software applications. A COM object instantiates one or more interfaces, each of which exposes zero or more properties and zero or more methods. All COM interfaces are derived from the base class IUnknown. MMC is built on the COM foundation.

composite data object

Data object created by MMC that consists of an array of multiselection data objects provided by the snap-ins involved in a multiple selection operation.

configuration wizard

Wizard that a snap-in can optionally display when the user adds the snap-in to a console using the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box. The snap-in can use the wizard to gather settings for initializing the snap-in state.


Instance of the MMC application as well as the main MMC window. The term "MMC" is often used interchangeably with "console" in the MMC SDK documentation. A console does not perform management functions, but it hosts tools (snap-ins) that provide required management behavior. A console can have one or more multiple-document interface (MDI) child windows, or views in which snap-ins are hosted.

console file

File with an .msc (management saved console) extension that preserves the list of loaded snap-ins for a console, the arrangement and contents of open multiple-document interface (MDI) child windows (views) in the main MMC window, the default mode, and information about permissions. Configuration settings for the tools and controls are saved with the console and restored when the console file is opened.

console taskpad

For MMC 1.2. A taskpad that can be used to run tasks such as starting wizards, opening property pages, performing menu commands, running command lines, and opening webpages. Console taskpads are implemented by MMC; this differs from standard taskpads, which are implemented by snap-ins.

console tree

Hierarchical structure in the scope pane of a view. Displays the static nodes and enumerated nodes associated with stand-alone and extension snap-ins.


Scope item with child scope items.

context menu extension

Extension snap-in that extends the functionality of a primary snap-in. The context menu extension adds menu items to the context menus of scope and result items of a particular node type.


Child window that an application uses with another window to perform simple input and output (I/O) tasks. Examples of controls in the main MMC window are the toolbar control and the menu button control.

control bar

A control implemented by MMC to display and manage its own toolbars and menu buttons, as well as those added by snap-ins.


In MMC, pointer-sized identifier within an instance of a snap-in that is associated with a particular scope or result item. When inserting an item in the scope or result pane, a snap-in passes to MMC the value that will be used as the item's cookie value. The value is solely determined by the snap-in.

custom OCX view

See OCX view.

custom taskpad

Taskpad view style in which the snap-in displays a custom DHTML page that contains tasks as well as other elements.

custom web view

See HTML view.