Partager via

ModifyListSynchronization method of the CIM_ReplicationService class

Modify (or start a job to modify) an array of synchronization associations between two storage objects or replication groups. If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and no ConcreteJob instance was created. If 4096 is returned, a ConcreteJob was started and a reference to this Job is returned in the Job output parameter. A return value of 1 indicates the method is not supported. All other values indicate some type of error condition.


uint32 ModifyListSynchronization(
  [in]  uint16                      Operation,
  [in]  CIM_Synchronized        REF Synchronization[],
  [in]  string                      ReplicationSettingData,
  [out] CIM_ConcreteJob         REF Job,
  [out] CIM_SettingsDefineState REF SettingsState[],
  [in]  boolean                     Force,
  [in]  uint16                      WaitForCopyState


Operation [in]

Operation describes the type of modification to be made to the replica and/or to the related associations. Abort: Abort the copy operation if it is possible. Activate: Activate an inactive or prepared Synchronized association. Deactivate: Stop the data flow. Writes to source element are not copied to target. For Snapshots, writes to target are lost as the pointers to changed data are deleted. Detach: 'Forget' the synchronization between two storage objects. Start to treat the objects as independent. Dissolve: Dissolve the synchronization between two storage objects, however, the target element continues to exist. Failover: Use the target element as the source elements. Failback: Reverse the effect of failback. Fracture: Suspend the synchronization between two storage objects using Mirror or Snapshot replication. The association and (typically) changes are remembered to allow a fast resynchronization. This may be used during a backup cycle to allow one of the objects to be copied while the other remains in production. Resync Replica: Re-establish the synchronization. This will negate the action of a previous Fracture/Split operation. Recreate a Point In Time image for a Snapshot or a Clone replication. Restart a Broken or Aborted synchronization relationship. Restore from Replica: Renew the contents of the original storage object from a replica. Resume: Continue the copy operation of a suspended association. Reset To Sync: Change the Mode of the copy operations to Synchronous (e.g., from the Asynchronous Mode). Reset To Async: Change the Mode of the copy operations to Asynchronous (e.g., from the Synchronous Mode). Return to ResourcePool: Dissolve a snapshot and free up its space back to the storage pool. Reverse Roles: Source element becomes the target element and vise versa. Split: Same as Fracture, however steps are taken to ensure the target elements are consistent. For example, stop I/O to source elements, wait for in-transit copy operations between source and target elements to stop, then instantly split source/target groups/elements. Suspend: Stop the background copy previously started. Unprepare: Causes the synchronization to be reinitialized.

Abort (2)

DMTF Reserved (3)

Activate (4)

DMTF Reserved (5)

DMTF Reserved (6)

Deactivate (7)

Detach (8)

Dissolve (9)

Failover (10)

Failback (11)

Fracture (12)

DMTF Reserved (13)

Resync Replica (14)

Restore from Replica (15)

Resume (16)

Reset To Sync (17)

Reset To Async (18)

Return To ResourcePool (19)

Reverse Roles (20)

Split (21)

Suspend (22)

Unprepare (23)

DMTF Reserved

24 32767

Vendor Specific

32768 65535

Synchronization [in]

Array of replication associations describing the elements/groups relationship. All elements of this array shall be the same concrete class, i.e. StorageSynchronized or GroupSynchronized, and shall have the same SyncType, the same Mode, and the Operation must be valid for the ReplicationType -- SyncType, Mode, Local/Remote.

ReplicationSettingData [in]

If provided, it overrides the default replication setting data for the given SyncType. If not provided, the management server uses the default replication setting data.

Job [out]

Reference to the job (may be NULL if the task completed).

SettingsState [out]

References to the associations between the source element and an instance of SynchronizationAspect. This parameters applies to operations such as Dissolve, which dissolves the Synchronized relationship, but causes the SettingDefineState association to be created..

Force [in]

Some operations may cause an inconsistency among the target elements. If true, the client is not warned and the operation is performed.

WaitForCopyState [in]

Method must wait until this CopyState is reached before returning. Only a subset of valid CopyStates apply. For example, Initialized: Associations have been established, but there is no data flow. Inactive: Initialization is complete, but the data flow remains idle until it is activated. Synchronized: Replicas are an exact copy of the source. UnSynchronized: Copy operation is in progress. Fractured/Split: Target elements are separated from the source elements. Etc.

Return value

Completed with No Error (0)

Not Supported (1)

Unspecified Error (2)

Timeout (3)

Failed (4)

Invalid Parameter (5)

In Use (6)

DMTF Reserved (7 4095)

Method Parameters Checked - Job Started (4096)

Method Reserved (4097 32767)

Vendor Specific (32768 4294967295)


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012 R2

See also
