Example: Searching for Password Change Requests Sent to a Connected Data Source
For connected data sources that receive a new password as a result of the password synchronization feature of MIIS, you might want to determine how the change request got to the target data source. The MIIS_PasswordChangeHistoryTarget class retrieves the password change histories for the connected data sources that receive the password change from the ILM 2007 FP1 server.
The following examples show how to search for password change histories that are sent to the target connected data source:
- By Time
- By Target Management Agent
- By Reference GUID
By Time
The following VBScript example shows how to retrieve the password change history for any change request that was sent to the target connected data source after September 16, 2004.
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Const PktPrivacy = 6 ' Authentication level
Dim Service ' Service object
Dim queryString ' SQL Query string
Dim errorString ' Error string
Dim statusString ' Status string
Dim timePeriod ' Time string
Dim changeHistories ' Change history collection
Dim changeHistory ' Change history member
Set Service = GetObject("winmgmts:{authenticationLevel=PktPrivacy}!root\MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer")
If err.number<>0 Then
errorString = "Could not retrieve service object: "
errorString = errorString & Err.Description
End If
timePeriod = "2004-09-16"
queryString = "Select * from MIIS_PasswordChangeHistoryTarget WHERE "
queryString = queryString & "MIISReceiveTime > '" & timePeriod & "'"
Set changeHistories = Service.ExecQuery(queryString)
If err.number <> 0 Then
errorString = "Could not retrieve password change history: "
errorString = errorString & Err.Description
End If
If changeHistories.Count = 0 Then
statusString = "There are no password changes requested after "
statusString = statusString & timePeriod & "."
For Each changeHistory In changeHistories
statusString = "Change History that occurred after "
statusString = statusString & timePeriod & "."
WScript.Echo statusString
WScript.Echo changeHistory.eventDetails
End If
Sub ErrorHandler (ErrorMessage)
WScript.Echo ErrorMessage
End Sub
By Target Management Agent
The following VBScript examples shows how to retrieve the password changes for a specified management agent that were sent to the target connected data source.
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Const PktPrivacy = 6 ' Authentication level
Dim Service ' Service object
Dim queryString ' SQL Query string
Dim errorString ' Error string
Dim statusString ' Status string
Dim ManagementAgentSet ' Management agent collection
Dim ManagementAgent ' Management agent member
Dim changeHistories ' Change history collection
Dim changeHistory ' Change history member
Set Service = GetObject("winmgmts:{authenticationLevel=PktPrivacy}!root\MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer")
If err.number <> 0 Then
errorString = "Could not retrieve service object: "
errorString = errorString & Err.Description
End If
queryString = "Select * From MIIS_ManagementAgent"
Set ManagementAgentSet = Service.ExecQuery(queryString)
If err.number <> 0 Then
errorString = "Could not retrieve management agent collection: "
errorString = errorString & err.Description
End If
If ManagementAgentSet.Count = 0 Then
statusString = "There are no management agents on this server."
End If
For each ManagementAgent in ManagementAgentSet
queryString = "Select * from MIIS_PasswordChangeHistoryTarget WHERE "
queryString = queryString & "MaGuid = '"
queryString = queryString & ManagementAgent.Guid & "'"
Set changeHistories = Service.ExecQuery(queryString)
If err.number <> 0 Then
errorString = "Could not retrieve password change history: "
errorString = errorString & Err.Description
End If
If changeHistories.Count = 0 then
statusString = "There are no password change histories for the "
statusString = statusString & ManagementAgent.Name
statusString = statusString & " management agent."
WScript.Echo statusString
For Each changeHistory in changeHistories
statusString = "Change History for the "
statusString = statusString & ManagementAgent.Name
statusString = statusString & " management agent:"
WScript.Echo statusString
WScript.Echo changeHistory.eventDetails
End If
Sub ErrorHandler (ErrorMessage)
WScript.Echo ErrorMessage
End Sub
By Reference GUID
The following VBScript example shows how to retrieve the password changes that were sent to the target server by using a query with the reference GUID. In this example, the reference GUID is supplied in the example. You can obtain the reference GUID from the MIIS_PasswordChangeHistorySource or the MIIS_PasswordChangeQueue class and pass the value to this script to track the password change history from the originating connected data source to the target data sources.
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Const PktPrivacy = 6 ' Authentication level
Dim Service ' Service object
Dim queryString ' SQL Query string
Dim errorString ' Error string
Dim statusString ' Status string
Dim refGuid ' Reference Guid string
Dim changeHistories ' Change history collection
Dim changeHistory ' Change history member
' In this example, the reference GUID is supplied. In practice, the
' reference GUID can be obtained from the
' MIIS_PasswordChangeHistorySource or the MIIS_PasswordChangeQueue
' classes and be passed to this script.
refGuid = "{B6F6FEB7-0EB7-45D9-B4CB-3B6B02CA9023}"
Set Service = GetObject("winmgmts:{authenticationLevel=PktPrivacy}!root\MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer")
If err.number <> 0 Then
errorString = "Could not retrieve service object: "
errorString = errorString & Err.Description
End If
queryString = "Select * From MIIS_PasswordChangeHistoryTarget WHERE "
queryString = queryString & "ReferenceGuid = '"
queryString = queryString & refGuid & "'"
Set changeHistories = Service.ExecQuery(queryString)
If err.number <> 0 Then
errorString = "Could not retrieve password change history: "
errorString = errorString & Err.Description
End If
If changeHistories.Count = 0 Then
statusString = "There are no password change histories for the "
statusString = statusString & "reference Guid "
statusString = statusString & refGuid & "."
WScript.Echo statusString
For Each changeHistory in changeHistories
statusString = "Change History for Reference Guid: "
statusString = statusString & refGuid
statusString = statusString & ":"
WScript.Echo statusString
WScript.Echo changeHistory.eventDetails
End If
Sub ErrorHandler (ErrorMessage)
WScript.Echo ErrorMessage
End Sub
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Build date: 2/16/2009