Example: Preventing Connected Data Source Damage
The following Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) example shows how to prevent damage to the connector data source that can be caused by accidentally exporting too many object deletes. This example assumes that the Fabrikam AD MA management agent has an export step in the Full Export run profile. This example does not start the export profile if more then 50 objects are about to get deleted.
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Const PktPrivacy = 6 ' Authentication level
Dim ErrorLevel ' Return code
Dim Service ' Service object
Dim ManagementAgent ' Management agent
Dim ExportNumDeleteLimit ' Export delete limit
Dim Status ' Status string
ErrorLevel = 1
Set Service = GetObject("winmgmts:{authenticationLevel=PktPrivacy}!root\MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer")
Set ManagementAgent = Service.Get("MIIS_ManagementAgent.Name='Fabrikam AD MA'")
' This example limits export deletes to less than 50 objects.
ExportNumDeleteLimit = 50
' If the number of objects deletes to be exported is less than the specified limit,
' then export the objects. Do not export more than the specified limit.
If Clng(ManagementAgent.NumExportDelete) < Clng(ExportNumDeleteLimit) Then
WScript.Echo "Exporting objects"
Status = ManagementAgent.Execute("Export")
If Status = "success" Then
ErrorLevel = 0
WScript.Echo "Export successful."
WScript.Echo "Export failed with " & Status
End If
WScript.Echo "Export Deletion Limit exceeded."
WScript.Echo "You can only export " & ExportNumDeleteLimit & " object deletions."
WScript.Echo "You are trying to export " & ManagementAgent.NumExportDelete & " object deletions."
End If
Sub ErrorHandler (ErrorMessage)
WScript.Echo ErrorMessage
End Sub
See Also
Preventing Damage to the Metaverse and Connected Data Source
Example: Preventing Metaverse Damage
Enabling Security in Scripts
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Build date: 2/16/2009