Example: Connected Data Source Extension for OLEDB Database access
This topic contains a code example to create a connected data source extension for connecting to a database by means of OLE/DB.
This example uses methods of the IMAEXtensibleFileImport interface to import data from an XML file and methods of the IMAExtensibleCallExport interface and the OLEDB Provider to export the information to a SQL database.
The following C# code example shows how to create a connected data source extension for call-based data sources.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.OleDb;
namespace Miis_CallExport
public class MACallExport :
public MACallExport() {}
// ------------------ C O N S T A N T S ------------------------
private const string PARAM_SQLTABLENAME = "Table";
private const string PARAM_SQLWHERECLAUSE = "SQLWhereClause";
private const string PARAM_SQLDATABASE = "Database";
private const string PARAM_SQLTIMEOUT = "Timeout";
private const string PARAM_SQLSECURITY = "Security";
private const string PARAM_SQLPROVIDER = "Provider";
// Not needed: private const string
// PARAM_ESCAPEANCHOR = "EscapeAnchor";
// ------------------ I M P O R T -----------------------------
private string EscapeStringForImport(string escape)
if(escape == null)
return null;
escape.Replace("\"", "\"\"");
return String.Format("\"{0}\"", escape);
} // EscapeStringForImport
private string ConstructConnectionString
string connectTo,
string user,
string password,
ConfigParameterCollection configParameters
string connectionString = "";
connectionString = String.Format("Provider={0};
Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=SSPI;
Initial Catalog={1};Data Source={2};Connect Timeout={3}",
connectionString = String.Format("Provider={0};
Persist Security Info=False;User ID={1};Password={2};
Initial Catalog={3};Data Source={4};Connect Timeout={5}",
return connectionString;
} //ConstructConnectionString
public void GenerateImportFile
string filename,
string connectTo,
string user,
string password,
ConfigParameterCollection configParameters,
bool fullImport,
TypeDescriptionCollection types,
ref string customData
throw new TerminateRunException
("This MA only supports full import");
// Construct the columns to select from the SQL table by
// enumerating through the attributes of the first object type.
// This assumes that the DB MA schema exposes all attributes
// available for all object types
string sqlColumns = "";
string objectType = "";
ArrayList attributeList = new ArrayList();
foreach(TypeDescription t in types)
objectType = t.Name;
foreach(AttributeDescription a in t.Attributes)
sqlColumns = sqlColumns + a.Name + ",";
throw new TerminateRunException(
"No attributes in schema definition");
// remove last comma
sqlColumns = sqlColumns.Substring(0, sqlColumns.Length-1);
// Construct the SQL Select statement for the intermediate import
// file.
string commandString = String.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1}",
commandString = String.Format("{0} WHERE {1}", commandString,
// Ignore if the parameter "SQLWhereClause" doesn't exist
catch { }
// Construct the connection string and connect to the SQL database
string connectionString = ConstructConnectionString(connectTo,
user, password, configParameters);
OleDbConnection myConnection = new OleDbConnection
OleDbCommand myCommand = new OleDbCommand(commandString,
// Open the SQL database and create the intermediate file
// Note that this code only supports String, Integer, GUID, and
// DBNULL values
// Further datatypes must be added by extending the code.
OleDbDataReader result = myCommand.ExecuteReader
StreamWriter stream = new StreamWriter(filename, false,
for(int i=0; i<result.FieldCount;i++)
if(result[i] is string)
stream.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", attributeList[i],
else if (result[i] is System.Int64)
stream.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", attributeList[i],
else if(result[i] is System.Guid)
stream.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {{{1}}}", attributeList[i],
else if (result[i] is System.DBNull)
; // no output --> NULL value
throw new UnexpectedDataException(String.Format
("Unknown type in SQL Column: {0}", attributeList[i])); }
stream.WriteLine(); // new record, separate by new line
} //GenerateImportFile
// ------------------ E X P O R T -------------------------------
// Globals for Export routines
private string ExportConnectionString;
private string ExportTableName;
private OleDbConnection ExportConnection;
private TypeDescriptionCollection ExportTypes;
// not needed: private bool ExportEscapeAnchor;
public void BeginExport
string connectTo,
string user,
string password,
ConfigParameterCollection configParameters,
TypeDescriptionCollection types
// Construct the connection string and connect to the SQL database
ExportConnectionString = ConstructConnectionString(connectTo, user,
password, configParameters);
ExportConnection = new OleDbConnection(ExportConnectionString);
// Save Type (Schema) information for later to determine
// the anchor for a given object type
ExportTypes = types;
// Save the Database table name ro run the Insert/Update/Deletes
ExportTableName = configParameters[PARAM_SQLTABLENAME].Value;
// Save for later if in the where clause the anchor needs to get
// enclosed in ''
// not needed: ExportEscapeAnchor = configParameters
// [PARAM_ESCAPEANCHOR].Value.ToLower().Equals("yes") ?
// true : false;
public void ExportEntry
ModificationType modificationType,
string[] changedAttributes,
CSEntry csentry
case ModificationType.Replace:
UpdateEntry(changedAttributes, csentry);
case ModificationType.Add:
InsertEntry(changedAttributes, csentry);
case ModificationType.Delete:
} //ExportEntry
private string EscapeStringForExport(string escape)
if(escape == null)
return null;
return escape.Replace("'", "''");
} // EscapeStringForExport
private string GetAnchorAttributeName(CSEntry cs)
TypeDescription t = ExportTypes[cs.ObjectType];
// Note that this MA only supports one Anchor attribute
if(t.AnchorAttributes.Count > 1)
throw new TerminateRunException(String.Format("ObjectType {0}
has more than one anchor attribute", cs.ObjectType));
foreach(AttributeDescription attr in t.AnchorAttributes)
return attr.Name;
return null;
} // GetAnchorAttributeName
private bool EscapeAnchorAttribute(CSEntry cs)
TypeDescription t = ExportTypes[cs.ObjectType];
// Note that this MA only supports one Anchor attribute
if(t.AnchorAttributes.Count > 1)
throw new TerminateRunException(String.Format("ObjectType {0}
has more than one anchor attribute", cs.ObjectType));
foreach(AttributeDescription attr in t.AnchorAttributes)
switch (attr.DataType)
case AttributeType.String:
return true;
case AttributeType.Integer:
return false;
case AttributeType.Binary:
return true;
throw new TerminateRunException(String.Format("Anchor type
unsupported. ObjectType: {0}, Attribute: {1}, Type: {2}",
cs.ObjectType, attr.Name, attr.DataType.ToString()));
return true;
} // EscapeAnchorAttribute
private void UpdateEntry(string[] changedAttributes, CSEntry cs)
// Build the SQL Update Query
string commandString = String.Format("UPDATE {0} SET",
foreach(string attribName in changedAttributes)
string val = "";
Attrib attr = cs[attribName];
case AttributeType.String:
val = "'" + EscapeStringForExport(attr.StringValue) + "'";
case AttributeType.Integer:
val = System.Convert.ToString(attr.IntegerValue, 10);
throw new UnexpectedDataException(String.Format("Unknown data
type for export update. Attr: {0}, Type: {1}", attribName,
val = "NULL";
commandString = commandString + String.Format(" {0}={1},",
attribName, val);
commandString = commandString.Substring(0, commandString.Length-1);
// remove last comma
string anchor = GetAnchorAttributeName(cs);
string anchorValue = cs[anchor].Value.ToString();
anchorValue = String.Format("'{0}'", anchorValue);
commandString = commandString + String.Format(" WHERE {0}={1}",
anchor, anchorValue);
// Build the SQL Update Query
// Execute SQL Update Query
OleDbCommand myCommand = new OleDbCommand(commandString,
try { myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
catch { throw; } // need better exception to report back the
command sent to SQL
} // UpdateEntry
private void InsertEntry(string[] changedAttributes, CSEntry cs)
// Build the SQL Insert Query
string commandString = String.Format("INSERT INTO {0}
(", ExportTableName);
foreach(string attribName in changedAttributes)
commandString = commandString + attribName + ",";
commandString = commandString.Substring(0, commandString.Length-1);
// remove last comma
commandString = commandString + ") VALUES (";
foreach(string attribName in changedAttributes)
string val = "";
Attrib attr = cs[attribName];
case AttributeType.String:
val = "'" + EscapeStringForExport(attr.StringValue) + "'";
case AttributeType.Integer:
val = System.Convert.ToString(attr.IntegerValue, 10);
case AttributeType.Binary: // assuming GUID value (e.g. Anchor)
val = "'" + attr.Value.ToString() + "'";
throw new UnexpectedDataException(String.Format("Unknown data
type for export add. Attr: {0} Type: {1}" + attribName,
val = "NULL";
commandString = commandString + val + ",";
commandString = commandString.Substring(0, commandString.Length-1);
// remove last comma
commandString = commandString + ")";
// Build the SQL Insert Query
// Execute the SQL Insert Query
OleDbCommand myCommand = new OleDbCommand(commandString,
try { myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
catch { throw; } // need better exception to report back the command
sent to SQL
} // insert entry
private void DeleteEntry(CSEntry cs)
string anchor = GetAnchorAttributeName(cs);
string anchorValue = cs[anchor].Value.ToString();
anchorValue = String.Format("'{0}'", anchorValue);
// Build the SQL Delete Query
string commandString = String.Format("DELETE FROM {0}
WHERE {1}={2}", ExportTableName, anchor, anchorValue);
// Execute the SQL Delete Query
OleDbCommand myCommand = new OleDbCommand(commandString,
try { myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
catch { throw; } // need better exception to report back the
command sent to SQL
// DeleteEntry
public void EndExport()
The example assumes that the call-based data source consumes an XML file in the following format:
- <export-ma server="FABRIKAM" export-date="2004-07-12 20:20:56.033">
- <!-- WARNING>
!! The contents of this file should not be edited.
!! Any modifications to this file may result in errors during import.
- <ma-data>
<name>OLEDB Database MA</name>
<subtype />
<ma-listname />
<ma-companyname />
<creation-time>2004-07-12 19:11:08.183</creation-time>
<last-modification-time>2004-07-12 20:17:57.336_
- <schema>
- <dsml:dsml xmlns:dsml="http://www.fabrikam.com/DSML"_
- <dsml:directory-schema _
- <dsml:class id="person" type="structural">
<dsml:attribute ref="#accountType" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#company" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#costCenter" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#department" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#displayName" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#domainName" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#employeeID" required="true" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#firstname" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#identityGuid" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#lastname" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#logonName" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#mail" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#mailNickname" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#managerEmployeeID" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#objectType" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#phoneNumber" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#samAccountName" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#title" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#pager" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#mobile" required="false" />
<dsml:attribute ref="#export_password" required="false" />
- <dsml:attribute-type id="accountType" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="company" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="costCenter" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="department" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="displayName" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="domainName" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="employeeID" single-value="true"_
- <dsml:attribute-type id="firstname" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="identityGuid" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="lastname" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="logonName" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="mail" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="mailNickname" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="managerEmployeeID" _
- <dsml:attribute-type id="objectType" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="phoneNumber" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="samAccountName" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="title" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="pager" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="mobile" single-value="true">
- <dsml:attribute-type id="export_password" _
single-value="true" ms-dsml:encrypted="true" _
- <attribute-inclusion>
<stay-disconnector />
- <join>
- <join-profile cd-object-type="person">
- <join-criterion id="{45B13AEB-A596-4AFC-B0CD-D9465D835D76}">
- <search mv-object-type="person">
- <attribute-mapping mv-attribute="employeeID">
- <direct-mapping>
- <resolution type="none">
<script-context />
- <projection>
- <class-mapping type="declared" id="_
{7D985F8D-0FF3-430B-B207-E77F01844AE0}" cd-object-type="person">
<export-attribute-flow />
- <provisioning-cleanup type="declared">
<extension />
- <controller-configuration>
<description />
- <ma-ui-settings>
- <account-joiner-queries>
- <attributes>
- <cs>
<attribute name="employeeID" header="employeeID" size="100" />
<attribute name="accountType" header="accountType" size="100" />
<attribute name="company" header="company" size="100" />
<filters max_mv_search_results="" />
- <private-configuration>
- <MAConfig>
- <ui-data>
- <xmlwizard>
- <properties>
- <partitions>
- <partition cd_name="default" guid="_
{483FBBF8-E722-4DB4-9D2F-1CC58D9CB3E6}" version="3">
- <primary_class_mappings>
- <mapping object_class="person" primary_class="person"_
- <object_classes>
- <object_class cd_name="person" selected="-1" _
user_define="-1" configured="-1" anchor="" dn_as_anchor="0">
<attribute mandatory="0">accountType</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">company</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">costCenter</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">department</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">displayName</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">domainName</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="-1">employeeID</attribute
<attribute mandatory="0">firstname</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">identityGuid</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">lastname</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">logonName</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">mail</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">mailNickname</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">managerEmployeeID</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">objectType</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">phoneNumber</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">samAccountName</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">title</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">pager</attribute>
<attribute mandatory="0">mobile</attribute>
- <attributes>
<attribute cd_name="accountType" binary="0" sample_data="53"_
multi_valued="0" file_reference="0" selected="-1" _
type="String" lower_bound="" upper_bound="" user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="company" binary="0" _
sample_data="CONTOSO" multi_valued="0" file_reference="0" _
selected="-1" type="String" lower_bound="" upper_bound="" _
user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="costCenter" binary="0" sample_data="90622"_
multi_valued="0" file_reference="0" selected="-1" _
type="String" lower_bound="" upper_bound="" user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="department" binary="0" _
sample_data="US-SAP Analysis & Support" multi_valued="0" _
file_reference="0" selected="-1" type="String" lower_bound="_
" upper_bound="" user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="displayName" binary="0" _
sample_data=" (US-SAP Analysis & Support)"_
multi_valued="0" file_reference="0" selected="-1" type="String"_
lower_bound="" upper_bound="" user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="domainName" binary="0" _
sample_data="DomainName" multi_valued="0" file_reference="0" _
selected="-1" type="String" lower_bound="" upper_bound="" _
user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="employeeID" binary="0" _
sample_data="216959" multi_valued="0" file_reference="0" _
selected="-1" type="String" lower_bound="" upper_bound="" _
user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="firstname" binary="0" _
sample_data="Wright" multi_valued="0" file_reference="0" _
selected="-1" type="String" lower_bound="" upper_bound="_
" user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="identityGuid" binary="0" _
sample_data="{371df4cd-ac02-4e82-82cf-00eebcf31d38}" _
multi_valued="0" file_reference="0" selected="-1" _
type="String" lower_bound="" upper_bound="" user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="lastname" binary="0" _
sample_data="Steven 123" multi_valued="0" file_reference="0"_
selected="-1" type="String" lower_bound="" upper_bound="_
" user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="logonName" binary="0" _
sample_data="DomainName\t-steven" multi_valued="0" _
file_reference="0" selected="-1" type="String" _
lower_bound="" upper_bound="" user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="mail" binary="0" _
sample_data="t-steven@contoso.com" multi_valued="0" _
file_reference="0" selected="-1" type="String" lower_bound="_
" upper_bound="" user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="mailNickname" binary="0" _
sample_data="t-steven" multi_valued="0" file_reference="0"_
selected="-1" type="String" lower_bound="" upper_bound="_
" user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="managerEmployeeID" binary="0" _
sample_data="114635" multi_valued="0" file_reference="0" _
selected="-1" type="String" lower_bound="" upper_bound="_
" user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="objectType" binary="0" _
sample_data="MSPerson" multi_valued="0" file_reference="0" _
selected="-1" type="String" lower_bound="" upper_bound="_
" user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="phoneNumber" binary="0" _
sample_data="+1 (555) 5550123 X50123" multi_valued="0" _
file_reference="0" selected="-1" type="String" _
lower_bound="" upper_bound="" user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="samAccountName" binary="0" _
sample_data="t-steven" multi_valued="0" file_reference="0"_
selected="-1" type="String" lower_bound="" upper_bound="_
" user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="title" binary="0" _
sample_data="WINTER PROGRAM MANAGER INTERN" multi_valued="0"_
file_reference="0" selected="-1" type="String" lower_bound="_
" upper_bound="" user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="pager" binary="0" _
sample_data="555-555-0196" multi_valued="0" file_reference="0"_
selected="-1" type="String" lower_bound="" upper_bound="_
" user_define="0" />
<attribute cd_name="mobile" binary="0" _
sample_data="555-555-0145" multi_valued="0" _
file_reference="0" selected="-1" type="String" _
lower_bound="" upper_bound="" user_define="0" />
- <importing>
- <dn>
- <anchor>
<per-class-settings />
<exporting />
- <attribute_value_pair_format>
- <primary_class_mappings>
- <mapping>
- <password-extension-config>
<dll />
<password-set-enabled />
<password-change-enabled />
- <connection-info>
<connect-to />
<user />
<timeout />
- <extension-config>
<filename>OLEDB Database MAExtension.dll</filename>
- <connection-info>
- <attributes>
<attribute name="Database">MIISSA</attribute>
<attribute name="Table">IdentityStore</attribute>
<attribute name="SQLWhereClause">CostCenter in ('90622')_
<attribute name="Provider">SQLOLEDB</attribute>
<attribute name="Security">SSPI</attribute>
<attribute name="Timeout">30</attribute>
- <ma-partition-data>
- <partition>
<creation-time>2004-07-12 19:11:08.183</creation-time>
<last-modification-time>2004-07-12 20:17:57.327_
- <filter>
- <object-classes>
- <containers>
<exclusions />
- <inclusions>
<inclusion />
- <current>
- <filter-hints>
- <object-classes>
- <object-class>
- <hierarchy>
- <ma-run-data>
- <run-configuration>
<creation-time>2004-07-12 20:14:01.940</creation-time>
<last-modification-time>2004-07-12 20:14:01.940_
- <configuration>
- <step>
<step-type type="export" />
<threshold />
- <custom-data>
- <run-config>
<input-file />
- <run-configuration>
<creation-time>2004-07-12 20:14:01.940</creation-time>
<last-modification-time>2004-07-12 20:14:01.940_
- <configuration>
- <step>
<step-type type="export" />
<threshold />
- <custom-data>
- <run-config>
<input-file />
- <step>
<step-type type="full-import" />
<threshold />
- <custom-data>
- <run-config>
- <run-configuration>
<creation-time>2004-07-12 20:14:01.930</creation-time>
<last-modification-time>2004-07-12 20:14:32.903_
- <configuration>
- <step>
<step-type type="full-import" />
<threshold />
- <custom-data>
- <run-config>
- <dn-construction>
- <password-sync>
- <mv-data>
- <import-attribute-flow>
- <import-flow-set mv-object-type="person">
- <import-flows mv-attribute="displayName" type="ranked">
- <import-flow src-ma="{9DCAE092-8BF0-4483-A943-BBF1BD0C2CE7}_
" cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flow src-ma="{54686980-A9D6-463D-859F-32AFAC045B1A}_
" cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flows mv-attribute="givenName" type="ranked">
- <import-flow src-ma="{9DCAE092-8BF0-4483-A943-BBF1BD0C2CE7}_
" cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flow src-ma="{54686980-A9D6-463D-859F-32AFAC045B1A}" _
cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flows mv-attribute="sn" type="ranked">
- <import-flow src-ma="{9DCAE092-8BF0-4483-A943-BBF1BD0C2CE7}" _
cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flows mv-attribute="company" type="ranked">
- <import-flow src-ma="{9DCAE092-8BF0-4483-A943-BBF1BD0C2CE7}" _
cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flow src-ma="{54686980-A9D6-463D-859F-32AFAC045B1A}" _
cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flows mv-attribute="mailNickname" type="ranked">
- <import-flow src-ma="{9DCAE092-8BF0-4483-A943-BBF1BD0C2CE7}" _
cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flow src-ma="{9DCAE092-8BF0-4483-A943-BBF1BD0C2CE7}" _
cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flow src-ma="{54686980-A9D6-463D-859F-32AFAC045B1A}" _
cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flows mv-attribute="department" type="ranked">
- <import-flow src-ma="{9DCAE092-8BF0-4483-A943-BBF1BD0C2CE7}" _
cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flow src-ma="{54686980-A9D6-463D-859F-32AFAC045B1A}" _
cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flows mv-attribute="employeeType" type="ranked">
- <import-flow src-ma="{9DCAE092-8BF0-4483-A943-BBF1BD0C2CE7}" _
cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flow src-ma="{54686980-A9D6-463D-859F-32AFAC045B1A}" _
cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <scripted-mapping>
- <import-flows mv-attribute="division" type="ranked">
- <import-flow src-ma="{9DCAE092-8BF0-4483-A943-BBF1BD0C2CE7}" _
cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flow src-ma="{54686980-A9D6-463D-859F-32AFAC045B1A}" _
cd-object-type="person" id="{5A324740-68F4-46D6-8C22-09F9C3D34D77}">
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flows mv-attribute="employeeID" type="ranked">
- <import-flow src-ma="{9DCAE092-8BF0-4483-A943-BBF1BD0C2CE7}" cd-object-type="person" id="{6BF349C1-A81E-4672-89A0-E585027DDE59}">
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flow src-ma="{54686980-A9D6-463D-859F-32AFAC045B1A}" cd-object-type="person" id="{DB2559CA-52C6-4448-BE31-4FFF84F9B27A}">
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flows mv-attribute="mail" type="ranked">
- <import-flow src-ma="{9DCAE092-8BF0-4483-A943-BBF1BD0C2CE7}"_
cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flows mv-attribute="mobile" type="ranked">
- <import-flow src-ma="{9DCAE092-8BF0-4483-A943-BBF1BD0C2CE7}"_
cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flows mv-attribute="pager" type="ranked">
- <import-flow src-ma="{9DCAE092-8BF0-4483-A943-BBF1BD0C2CE7}"_
cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flows mv-attribute="telephoneNumber" type="ranked">
- <import-flow src-ma="{9DCAE092-8BF0-4483-A943-BBF1BD0C2CE7}" _
cd-object-type="person" id="{11C5EA30-A173-4A5B-814E-BF4266AC1F90}">
- <direct-mapping>
- <import-flows mv-attribute="title" type="ranked">
- <import-flow src-ma="{9DCAE092-8BF0-4483-A943-BBF1BD0C2CE7}"_
cd-object-type="person" id="_
- <direct-mapping>
- <per-ma-options>
- <ma-options ma-id="{54686980-A9D6-463D-859F-32AFAC045B1A}">
- <ma-options ma-id="{1F41DB0A-8E02-4BF8-B77A-81AF5C6FB2F6}">
- <ma-options ma-id="{9DCAE092-8BF0-4483-A943-BBF1BD0C2CE7}">
The example then generates a comma-delimited file whose contents are imported into the metaverse and then exported to a call-based data source.
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Build date: 2/16/2009