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Store age ratings

[ This article is for Windows 8.x and Windows Phone 8.x developers writing Windows Runtime apps. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation ]

To select a suitable Store age rating for a piece of content, follow the guidance here.

Important  This topic refers specifically to the ContentRestrictions API. For info about the age rating process used when submitting apps to the Windows Store, see Age ratings.


You can provide Store age ratings for content of any supported content category (game, application, movie, tv, music, general) if the age suitability of the content is known and if one of the following is true:

  • The region doesn’t have a third-party rating board for the content’s category.
  • The content doesn’t have the region’s third-party rating for the content’s category.

For Windows Store apps, the Store age ratings you use with the ContentRestrictions API should correspond to the appropriate age rating as described in Store age-rating definitions.

To determine Store age ratings for other content categories, see Store age-rating definitions, and apply these rules:

  • If the content doesn’t have any third-party ratings, review the Store age-rating definitions and select the rating that most closely reflects the age suitability of the content.

  • If the content has a third-party rating, select the Store age rating that is equal to the age suitability of the existing third-party rating. If such a Store age rating doesn’t exist, select the lowest Store age rating that is higher than the age suitability of the existing third-party rating.

    For example, if a movie has a British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) rating of 12, select a Store age rating of 12+. If a movie has a BBFC rating of 15, select a Store age rating of 16+. If content has multiple third-party ratings, you must assign the Store age rating that corresponds to the oldest audience. For more details about how to determine the age suitability of the third-party ratings, see the ageRatings object.

  • If the content’s resulting Store age rating is 18+, don't provide any Store age rating for the content.

Store age-rating definitions

Note  The descriptions provided below do not correspond exactly to the age ratings used by the Windows Store. See Age ratings for more info on the process of rating your app in the Windows Store.


  • 3+

    Suitable for young children. These apps and content can contain minimal comic violence in non-realistic, cartoon form. The characters depicted in the app aren't similar to, or associated with, real people. There should be no content that might frighten young children, and they don’t contain any profanity, nudity, or reference to sexual activity. These apps don't include features that can access content or functionality unsuitable for young children, such as the uncontrolled sharing of info online.

  • 7+

    Suitable for ages 7 and older. These apps and content are similar to the ones with the 3+ age rating. However, they can include content that might frighten younger children and can contain partial nudity, as long as the nudity doesn't suggest or show sexual activity. These apps don't include features that can access content or functionality unsuitable for young children, such as the uncontrolled sharing of info online.

  • 12+

    Suitable for ages 12 and older. These apps and content can contain more nudity than the ones with the 7+ age rating, as long as the nudity doesn’t suggest or show sexual activity. They can include slightly graphic violence toward non-realistic characters, and non-graphic violence toward realistic human or animal characters. These apps and content can also include more profanity than is allowed in a 7+ app, but the profanity can’t be sexual in nature. These apps can include features that allow for uncontrolled access to online social networks, or the sharing of personal info with third parties, including other gamers and online acquaintances.

  • 16+

    Suitable for ages 16 and older. These apps and content can depict realistic violence with minimal blood and can depict mild sexual activity. They can also contain drug, alcohol, and tobacco use and criminal activities, and more profanity than would be allowed in a 12+ app and content. These apps can include features that allow for uncontrolled access to online social networks, or the sharing of personal info with third parties, including other gamers and online acquaintances.

  • 18+

    Suitable for adult-only audiences. These apps and content may include prolonged scenes of intense depictions of gross violence, and graphic sexual content.

Using content ratings

Supported content-rating boards


Family Safety