Espace de noms Microsoft.IdentityModel.Web
Classe | Description |
AuthorizationFailedEventArgs | |
ChunkedCookieHandler | Writes cookie data so that cookies never exceed a set size. |
ClaimsAuthorizationModule | |
ClaimsPrincipalHttpModule | |
CookieHandler | Provides an abstract base class for managing HTTP client state or "cookies". |
CookieTransform | Applies a reversible data transform to cookie data. |
CredentialId | |
DeflateCookieTransform | Provides cookie compression using T:System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream. |
FederatedAuthentication | Provides federated authentication for an ASP.NET application. |
FederatedAuthenticationSessionEndingException | Indicates that the sign-in session should being terminated, and the current request is unauthenticated. |
FederatedPassiveSecurityTokenServiceOperations | |
FederatedSessionExpiredException | |
HttpModuleBase | |
ProtectedDataCookieTransform | Provides cookie integrity and confidentiality using ProtectedData. |
RedirectingToIdentityProviderEventArgs | |
RsaEncryptionCookieTransform | |
RsaSha1SignatureCookieTransform | |
RsaSignatureCookieTransform | Provides cookie integrity using RSA signature. |
SecurityTokenReceivedEventArgs | |
SecurityTokenValidatedEventArgs | |
SessionAuthenticationModule | When the STS issues a security token for the user, SessionAuthenticationModule also creates a session security token for the user and places it in a cookie. On subsequent requests, the SessionAuthenticationModule intercepts this cookie and uses it to reconstruct the user’s IClaimsPrincipal. |
SessionSecurityTokenCreatedEventArgs | |
SessionSecurityTokenReceivedEventArgs | |
SigningOutEventArgs | |
WSFederationAuthenticationModule | The WSFederationAuthenticationModule is an HTTP module that lets ASP.NET developers build claims aware applications. The WSFederationAuthenticationModule raises several events, which allows ASP.NET developers to customize its functionality in their applications. The WSFederationAuthenticationModule functionality is divided into granular methods to make it easier for ASP.NET developers to reuse and extend its functionality in their applications. |
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