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Propriété SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration.SecurityTokenService

Gets or sets the type of the SecurityTokenService.

Espace de noms: Microsoft.IdentityModel.Configuration
Assembly : Microsoft.IdentityModel (dans microsoft.identitymodel.dll)


    Dim instance As SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration
Dim value As Type

value = instance.SecurityTokenService

instance.SecurityTokenService = value


Public Property SecurityTokenService As Type
public Type SecurityTokenService { get; set; }
property Type^ SecurityTokenService {
    Type^ get ();
    void set (Type^ value);
/** @property */
public Type get_SecurityTokenService ()

/** @property */
public void set_SecurityTokenService (Type value)
public function get SecurityTokenService () : Type

public function set SecurityTokenService (value : Type)

Valeur de la propriété

Returns the Type of the Security Token Service.


Following code snippet illustrates how to set custom security token service (MySecurityTokenService):

public class CustomSecurityTokenServiceConfiguration : SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration
        public CustomSecurityTokenServiceConfiguration()
            : base( "My Security Token Service" )
// Sets the security token service of type 
// MySecurityTokenService.
            SecurityTokenService = typeof( MySecurityTokenService );


Type d'exception Condition

The provided value is null.


To configure security token service with a custom security token service, which is built by deriving from Security Token Service class, set this property to the type of custom security token service.

Cohérence de thread

Tous les membres statiques publics (partagés dans Visual Basic) de ce type sont thread-safe.Il n'est pas garanti que les membres d'instance soient thread-safe.


Plateformes de développement

Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista

Target Platforms

Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Not tested on Windows XP

Change History

Voir aussi


Classe SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration
Membres SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration
Espace de noms Microsoft.IdentityModel.Configuration